Page 61 - Mini-Module 9
P. 61

2) Sexually Hostile Working Environment

                            Sexual harassment can also be  “a working environment where
                            there are actions, language or pictures that are of a sexual nature
                            that makes it hard for you to do your work - also known as a
                            sexually hostile working environment” .  In other words, there will
                            be an act of sexual harassment if the environment in which you are
                            studying or working is sexually intimidating or unfriendly by ways of
                            verbal, conduct or visuals.

                             According to s.23(3) of the Sexual Discrimination Ordinance, “[I]t is
                            unlawful for a person who is employed by another person at an
                            establishment in Hong Kong to sexually harass a woman….employed
                            by that second-mentioned person”.  In other words, it is unlawful

                            for an employer to discriminate against his employee.

                             Does the act need to be directed at an employee in the office to
                            constitute sexual harassment?

                             In England, the Equal Opportunities Commission said that where
                            employees are found to pass around coarse inappropriate jokes or

                            comments, although not necessarily directed at an individual around
                            the same work place…may find themselves being sued for sexual

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