Page 58 - Mini-Module 9
P. 58

1) Unwelcome sexual behavior or conduct
                          Sexual harassment is “any unwelcome sexual behavior or
                          conduct which is offensive, humiliating or intimidating” .

                              What is considered ‘unwelcome’ behavior?

                           The essence of sexual harassment is that such unwelcoming

                           behavior must be offensive or undesirable from the claimant’s
                           point of view 28.   Such behavior needs not to be continuous – A
                           single occurrence of event is sufficient to constitute sexual

                           The idea of ‘unwelcome’ behavior is better defined in the case
                           of Wong Kwok Mui V. Lee Yuen Tim. A student of a martial arts

                           class run by the accused sued for sexual harassment.  The
                           complainant alleged that on numerous occasions during the
                           course, the accused touched the complainant’s waist, had his

                           hand over her shoulders, complained about his sex life to her,
                           suggested dates with the complainant, giving presents and
                           more.  Although the complainant made it clear that those
                           numerous occasions were unwelcome, she did however receive

                           the presents nonetheless.  As a result of the actions of the
                           accused, the complainant sought remedies for loss and damage
                           suffered, not the least injury to feelings, aggravated and/or

                           punitive damages in addition to an apology.  She based her
                           claim on numerous grounds, those of which included abuse of
                           trust, acts committed in the  public (ie MTR), the accused
                           persuading the other students in  the martial arts class not to

                           participate in the Equal Opportunities Commission investigation,
                           the duration span of the alleged acts and more.

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