Page 66 - Mini-Module 9
P. 66

Getting Help

                        Many complexities exist in the law affecting schools and a beginning
                        principal will benefit from the advice of a solicitor before making any
                        decision that has obvious legal implications. As the public grows in legal
                        awareness, a principal must become better informed of how the law
                        affects his or her role. One of the key determinants in assessing a
                        principal’s conduct is whether he or she acted prudently.
                        The Law Society of Hong Kong is able to provide contact lists of solicitors
                        who may be prepared to assist. Care must be taken in selecting a solicitor
                        as well-intentioned solicitors may not be familiar with the legal issues
                        involving schools. Any decision to retain a solicitor should have the
                        endorsement of at least the Supervisor, if not the school management
                        committee or incorporated management committee.

                        The Law Society of Hong Kong
                        3rd Floor, Wing On House,
                        71 Des Voeux Road Road, Central, Hong Kong.
                        Tel: 2846-0500  Fax: 2847-0537
                        E mail:

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