Page 55 - Mini-Module 9
P. 55

The following extracts from the Code provide a basic understanding:

                             Direct disability discrimination  means treating a person with a
                             disability less favourably than another person without that disability,
                             in comparable circumstances, on the ground of the disability.

                             Indirect disability discrimination  exists when a person applies the
                             same requirement or condition to a person with a disability as well as
                             to another person without the disability, but the outcome is
                             detrimental to the person with the disability and the first mentioned
                             person cannot show the requirement or condition to be justifiable.  In
                             such circumstances it is unlawful to treat a person with a disability and
                             another person without the disability in the same way.  This is because
                             in some circumstances the person with the disability cannot comply
                             with the requirement or condition due to the disability.

                             It is considered disability discrimination to treat a person with a
                             disability less favourably because he or she uses an auxiliary aid, or is
                             accompanied by an assistant such as an interpreter, reader or carer.

                             Disability harassment  means unwelcome conduct towards a person
                             on account of his or her disability, or towards this person’s associate,
                             where a reasonable person, having regard to all circumstances, would
                             have anticipated that the person with the disability would be
                             offended, humiliated or intimidated.

                             Disability vilification occurs when someone, by any activity in public,
                             incites hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of a
                             person with a disability or members of a class of persons with a
                             disability. Serious disability vilification occurs when a person, by any
                             activity in public, incites hatred towards, serious contempt for, or
                             severe ridicule of a person with a disability or members of a class of
                             persons with a disability and involves threatening physical harm to a
                             person with a disability, his or  her property or premises, or the
                             property or premises he or she has access to.  Inciting others to
                             behave in this way also amounts to serious disability vilification.
                             Serious disability vilification is a criminal offence.

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