Page 7 - Mini-Module 9
P. 7

What do we find in law?

                          There are different sources of law in Hong Kong.

                          1. Legislation

                              Legislation is the body of ordinances enacted by the Legislative
                              Council. Usually the Administration tables and gazettes a draft
                              bill, and after legislators discuss and amend the draft, they enact
                              the bill into law. All such law can be found on the Internet at the
                              Department of Justice Bilingual Laws Information System at

                              An Ordinance is known as “primary legislation”. It is common to
                              refer to an Ordinance by its name and chapter number, (or Cap.
                              Number for short) However, details of certain functions,
                              requirements or fees payable are set out in “subsidiary
                              legislation” which is also sometimes known as “subordinate
                              legislation”, such as rules. Essentially the legislators have
                              delegated the rule making power to different authorities, usually
                              the Administration, and they monitor the passing of such rules
                              through negative vetting.

                              The principal set of legislation governing the operation of
                              schools and educational activity  is in the Education Ordinance
                              (Cap. 279 of the Laws of Hong Kong) which also consists of the

                              following subsidiary legislation.
                              ●  Cap 279A Education Regulations
                              ●  Cap 279B Education (Exemption) Order
                              ●  CAP 279C Grant Schools Provident Fund Rules
                              ●  Cap 279D Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Rules
                              ●  Cap 279E  Education (Overseas Tertiary Institutions)  (Exemption)

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