Page 19 - Mini-Module 3
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EDB Circular Memorandum No. 70/2003

                        From:  Secretary for Education and    To:   Supervisors / SMC Chairpersons
                        Manpower                                   and Heads of Government, aided
                                                                   (including special schools, practical
                      Ref.:    EMB TR/27/TPD                       schools and skills opportunity

                                                                   schools), caput and DSS schools
                      Date:    22 April 2003

                          1.   This is to inform schools that materials on “Newly Appointed Principal Profes-
                              sional Portfolio” are available for their reference.

                          2.   The Education Department (now known as the Education and Manpower Bu-
                              reau) Administration Circular No. 31/2002 on “Principals’ Continuing Profes-
                              sional Development” dated 17 July 2002 notified schools that  from the
                              2002/03 school year onwards, newly  appointed principals (NAPs) in  public
                              sector schools are required, inter alia, to submit annually their Professional
                              Portfolio to their school sponsoring bodies (SSBs) / school management com-
                              mittees (SMCs) in the first two years of their principalship.

                          3.   SSBs/SMCs should make use of the NAP Professional Portfolio to guide their
                              NAPs for  continuing professional development. Therefore, NAPs and their
                              SSBs/SMCs should discuss and agree on development targets, leadership ex-
                              perience, reflective statements and continuing  professional development
                              plans to be included in the NAP Professional Portfolio as well as the format to
                              be used.

                          4.   An information sheet on “Newly Appointed Principal Professional Portfolio” is
                              attached.  It outlines the nature, purposes, components, organization, format
                              and time for submission of the NAP Professional Portfolio, as well as the roles
                              of SSBs/SMCs.  For  details and examples  of the NAP Professional Portfolio,
                              NAPs and  their SSBs  /SMCs are also welcome to visit the website of the
                              Teacher       and        Principal     Development        Section:

                          5.   For enquiries of this circular memorandum, please call Ms. Shirley Wong on
                              3150  8036 or  Mr. Billy SC  Mok on 3150  8011 of the Teacher  and Principal
                              Development Section.

                                                                            Ms. Susanna CHEUNG
                                                            for Secretary for Education and Manpower

                          c.c. Supervisors and Heads of private independent schools and Heads of Sections – for information

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