Page 14 - Mini-Module 3
P. 14
Beginning Principal’s Portfolio Guide Evidence Appraisal / Reflection
Policy Development & Decision Making
Evidence that you are a connective
leader; that all staff are aware of the
process for the development and
review of school policy and the process
for decision making at all levels – this
includes protocols for gathering the
input of staff through such forums as
general staff meetings etc.
Looking forward
Evidence that you are a future oriented
leader; that you have given considera-
tion to the future needs of your stu-
dents, your school and the community
you serve. This also includes evidence
that you have put in place Succession
Planning for replacing your school’s
leaders including yourself.
Evidence that you are not isolated but
that you regularly link with other school
leaders; that you are engaged with EDB
committees or programmes, that you
support your community.
Caring for Self
Evidence that you are a resilient leader;
that you have an action plan for taking
care of yourself; that you are aware of
the need for a balanced approach to
work and personal life, that you are
taking steps to ensure your good health
and to build your resilience. This also
includes your own personal
development plans and career
aspirations (or retirement aspirations).