Page 22 - Mini-Module 3
P. 22

Information sheet on the

                                    Newly Appointed Principal (NAP)
                                    Professional Portfolio cont’d

                              3.    Format and Submission

                                   ●    NAPs should agree with their SSBs/SMCs on the
                                        forms, format, length, date and other details
                                        regarding submission of the Professional Portfo-
                                   ●    The Professional Portfolio can take many forms
                                        such as a folder, an expandable or electronic file,
                                        or other forms of binding.
                                   ●    In whatever format chosen, NAPs should ensure
                                        that the Professional Portfolio contains only the
                                        appropriate parts and amounts of clearly and
                                        logically organized materials, which are relevant
                                        to his or her professional development in accor-
                                        dance with personal needs as well as the needs
                                        of the school and the society.  The NAPs should
                                        submit only copies and not the originals of
                                        certificates / documents.

                                   ●    The Professional Portfolio should be submitted
                                        to the SSBs/SMCs within one to two months
                                        after the end of the respective school year.

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