Page 20 - Mini-Module 3
P. 20

Information sheet on the

                                    Newly Appointed Principal (NAP)
                                    Professional Portfolio

                              1.    Nature and Purposes

                                   ●    A NAP Professional Portfolio is one of the
                                        requirements set out for NAPs in the Guidelines
                                        for  Principals’  Continuing  Professional
                                        Development  (CPD)  issued  in  Education
                                        Department  Circular  Memorandum  No.
                                        279/2002 (CM279/2002) dated 19 September

                                   ●    It is a collection of materials demonstrating the
                                        NAP’s CPD during each of the first two years of
                                        their principalship and should be developed
                                        upon the outcomes and follow-up actions of
                                        their Needs Assessment.
                                   ●    The materials documented in the NAP Profes-
                                        sional Portfolio should demonstrate the NAP’s
                                        values, knowledge, skills and attributes in one or
                                        more of the following six core areas of leader-
                                        ship listed in the Principals’ CPD framework:

                                        1.   Strategic direction & policy environment
                                        2.   Learning, teaching & curriculum
                                        3.   Teacher professional growth & development
                                        4.   Staff & resources management
                                        5.   Quality assurance & accountability
                                        6.   External  communication &  connection to the
                                             outside world

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