Page 9 - Mini-Module 11
P. 9

Report Preparation

                          As  with  meetings,  preparation  is  the  key  to  effective  report  writing.
                          You   will   have   done   your   background   work,  read  appropriate
                          documents,  assembled  information  and  reached  some  tentative
                          conclusions about any proposals you might wish to make. Before you
                          actually  write  the  report  you  need  to  consider  several  points.  These
                          relate to the purpose, the information you need to give, the way you
                          interpret it, and the conclusions you will draw.

                          1.   Purpose
                               Decide on the purpose of your report. Is it:
                               ●    To describe a situation?
                               ●    To recommend changes?
                               ●    To give facts?
                               ●    To record progress?
                               This will determine the way in which the report is presented.

                          2.   Information
                               Decide  on  the  information  you  need,  acquire  it  and  then  put  it
                               together. Include only the information which is relevant to the report's
                               purpose. Some
                               people  are  not  very  selective  when  they  gather  information.  They
                               collect  anything  which  is  remotely  connected  with  the  subject  in
                               question  and  then  try  to  deal  with  it  later.  At  worst,  it  breaks  their
                               hearts  to  discard  anything,  so  they  put  everything  in  the  report's
                               appendices.  This  is  not  the  best  way  to  go  about  things.  Decide  in
                               advance  precisely  what  information  you  need  and  include  that.  Even
                               then, you will still find information which is not directly relevant. You
                               should  put  it  aside.  You  do  not  want  anything  which  might  confuse
                               people.  Remember that you are not trying to write ‘War and Peace’.

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