Page 8 - Mini-Module 11
P. 8


                                How Good is My Report Writing?

                                                                                    Yes   No   NA
                        1.   Before you even start reading, does the report look inviting as   □   □   □
                            you flick through the pages?
                        2.   Is the language used easy to understand at the first reading?   □   □   □

                        3.   Are both sentences and paragraphs fairly short?        □     □     □

                        4.   Are there plenty of subheadings?                       □     □     □

                        5.   Is the purpose clearly stated at the beginning?        □     □     □

                        6.   Does it specify precisely what the report is about?    □     □     □

                        7.   Is there a summary in less than one page at the beginning?   □   □   □

                        8.   Are facts and findings given 'straight' and without opinions?   □   □   □

                        9.   Does it answer all the important questions?            □     □     □

                        10  Is the problem stated clearly?                          □     □     □
                        11  Is there an analysis of the findings?                   □     □     □
                        12  Is there a section which outlines the conclusions reached?   □   □   □
                        13  Are the recommendations straight to the point?          □     □     □
                        14  Are the implications of the recommendations identified?   □   □     □
                        15  Do any illustrations which are used aid your understanding?   □   □   □

                Obviously, the more 'yes’s' you have the better, but it is conceivable that even the most
                experienced leader could truthfully answer 'no' to many of the questions. Report writing
                is a skill which can be developed and some of the components can  be acquired fairly

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