Page 68 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 68

Prof. James Spillane
                                      Northwestern University

              James  P.  Spillane  is  the  Spencer  T.  and  Ann  W.  Olin  Professor  in  Learning  and
              Organizational  Change  at  the  School  of  Education  and  Social  Policy  at
              Northwestern University. He is also professor of Human Development and Social
              Policy, professor of Learning Sciences, professor (by courtesy) of Management and
              Organizations,  and  faculty  associate  at  Northwestern’s  Institute  for  Policy
              Research. Spillane has published extensively on issues of education policy, policy
              implementation,  school  reform,  and  school  leadership.  His  work  explores  the
              policy implementation process at the state, district, school, and classroom levels,
              focusing  on  intergovernmental  and  policy-practice  relations.  He  also  studies
              organizational leadership and change, conceptualizing organizational leadership as
              a  distributed  practice.  Recent  projects  include  studies  of  relations  between
              organizational infrastructure and instructional advice-seeking in schools and the
              socialization  of  new  school  principals.  His  work  has  been  supported  by  the
              National Science Foundation, Institute of Education Sciences, Spencer Foundation,
              Sherwood Foundation and Carnegie Corporation of New York. He has authored

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