Page 67 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 67

Sultan  Idris,  2014),  and,  Education  Programme  Standards  (Malaysian  Qualifications
                      Agency,  2016).  In  addition,  focused  interviews  were  conducted  with  colleagues
                      involved in designing programmes for leadership for learning.

                      Importance  of  Intangibles  of  Educational  Leadership  for  Theory,  Policy  and
                      Practice, across Cultures

                      The paper continues to scour for insights from South Theory in the periphery, using
                      local  knowledge  and  resources,  disregarded  by  mainstream  social  and  educational
                      sciences  pertinent  to  teacher    learning  and  leadership  (see,  for  instance,  Southern
                      Theory – The Global Dynamics of Knowledge in  Social Science (Raewyn C. 2007). To this
                      end, the paper begins to identify alternative thinkers and leaders who provide fresh
                      and  complementary  perspectives  regarding  educational  leadership  and  the  various
                      significant issues that have been overlooked or dismissed.

                      Insights and Results

                      The insights are evolving as understanding deepens. They are etic and emic and require
                      further definitions, philosophizing, analyses and critiques, and knowledge construction.

                      Making the Connections between the East and the West in Understanding Teacher

                      In  2013,  a  team  of  educators  founded  an  education  society  named  Exploring
                      Leadership and Learning Theories Association (ELLTA). The aim is to study and develop
                      understanding regarding education endeavours East and West and seek the universals
                      and  culture  specific  philosophies,  policies  and  practices.  To  date,  not  unlike  Asia
                      Leadership Roundtable (ALR), ELLTA has modestly mobilized scholars to explore deep
                      understanding and build relevant knowledge bases. One of ELLTA’s contributions is a
                      book entitled “Are Theories Universal?” (Ortenblad, A; Bajunid, I. al. 2011).

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