Page 71 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 71
Involving Parents into the Lesson Study:
A Pilot Experiment at One Migrant Student School in Shanghai
Li Yan, Ruan Xiaojuan and Li Jiacheng
Reform of teaching and learning in China’s classroom, and particularly parents’
involvement in urban classroom, has attracted a great deal of attention in current
educational research. This paper discusses results from a pilot intervention that
explored the influence of parents’ involvement in lesson study on children, parents,
and teachers. The authors supported the development and implementation of
parent-teacher synergic lesson study in Y Elementary School, a school for for migrant
students in Shanghai. Interview data showed parents’ and teachers’ understandings of
parents-teacher synergic lesson study, and beliefs about influence on children, and
how these understandings and beliefs changed over time. Through this pilot study, we
find parent involvement in lesson study has a positive impact on children’s
development, and parents and teachers also gain some improvement that is beneficial
to urban children’s success. We conclude this paper with recommendations to help
policymakers, practitioners, and researchers further develop the parent-teacher
synergic lesson study program.
Keywords: Children’s Development, Migrant Children, Parents’ involvement,
Teacher’s Development, Lesson Study, School Reform, Parents’ Development;