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Summer School 2011



Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

1. Is there any special arrangement for the bad weather?
Course / Activity in the morning session will be cancelled when Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is issued at or after 6:30 am.
Course / Activity in the afternoon session will be resumed when Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is cancelled at or before 11:30 am. Otherwise, the Course / Activity is declared to be cancelled.
Participants will be notified in this website for further arrangement in due day.
2. Are there any car park arrangement or transportation service participants?
No car parks or transportation service will be provided at venue.
3. Do I require to have a 100% attendance on conference and workshops?
Yes, you must attend ALL sessions of conference, 80% attendance of the workshop respectively.
4. Am I qualified to have a 100% attendance on conference / workshops if I come late or leave early?
If you come late for more than 30 minutes or early leave in each session of conference / workshop will not be counted for attendance of that session.
5. Am I qualified to get the "attendance certificate" if I fail to achieve the required attendance rate?
No, but we still encourage colleagues to participate in the rest of the functions.
6. If I fail to meet the 100% attendance rate in the conference, will it be included in the "continuing professional development hours"?
No, it will not be included in the "continuing professional development hours".
7. If I fail to meet the 80% attendance rate in the workshops, will it be included in the "continuing professional development hours"?
No, it will not be included in the "continuing professional development hours".
8. I'm a primary school teacher, but by mistake I have picked up the conference for the SECONDAY SCHOOL teacher. How to handle?
If your application has not been approved by the school, you may request the school to cancel the application so that you can re-register the course. If the school has approved the application, please send the email, attached with the application no., to Miss Tsang Yuk-ting, Ophelia and we will deal with the problem. When you receive the email for the rejection of the course, please re-enrol the preferred course. (Same to secondary school teacher)
9. When will I know the application result on the programme?
EDB's server will send out an email to all teachers' account to notify the application result. Applicants please check the enrolment results via their email accounts on the e-services portal.

Commissioned by the Education Bureau
Copyright©2011 Department of Health and Physical Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, All Rights Reserved.