Page 44 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 44
My Enlightenment

(PhD) program. They independently sought advice from our tried to figure out how unsafe it was by walking through the route
protagonist professor. These two students told the professor that he was told.
they also applied to several universities in other countries. The
professor told the two students the second story above. He then Whether he found it unsafe or not is not the main point for
said (I am able to write down exactly what he said because I know discussion here, the message is that he felt that he was taken good
him very well): care of when he was an international student (he felt so touched
when he was asked whether he needed to use a dictionary in the
“I would very much like to have top students in our own PhD examination), he really wanted to do something for his students
program. As a staff here, I must give top priority to protect (non-local students in this case / example but the logic applies to
the Institute’s interest. Nevertheless, I will not say or do local students as well) outside the classroom and beyond what
anything that is against my belief: that a student’s personal are typically considered academic affairs (such as giving advice on
interest and future (potential development) can never be studying). Students, if years later you become an educator yourself,
sacrificed. … While I encourage you to apply for enrolment will you do the same?
in our PhD program, I suggest that at the same time you
look at what (specialized subject) you really like; which of Wrap-up
the universities has the critical mass (in your research area)
…” Stories are stories, sometimes it does not matter which
part is true and which part has been exaggerated to make it more

“I say all these from my heart.” interesting, perhaps what matters more is … Well, you might wish
to ask yourself (whether and) what you have learnt from the above
For those of you who might want to know: a few months stories .
after the above conversations, both students told the professor that
they were awarded a full scholarship to study in an English-speaking
country (on reflection, I decided not to name the two universities

Beyond Typically Academic Affairs

Readers may know that a couple of years ago some full-
time students (from mainland China) in postgraduate programs
had to travel to the Town Centre (in Kowloon) to take evening
courses together with part-time (local) students. They (the full-
time students) had to travel back to Tai Po as they lived on campus.
A parent expressed the concern that it was a bit unsafe for female
students as they had to walk through a quiet area before they could
take KMB buses. One night, the professor in this series of stories
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