Page 41 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 41
My Enlightenment

days of “torture”, but this shared experience with them allowed me each and every one of us. I learnt what love is really about.
to learn a great deal.
Within 2 months’ time, my tutor appointment will be over,
As a routine, tutors of our hall have to be on duty for a few but there will be more memorable and happy stories here in 611
days per month by rotation. During such days, we have to be on and in the Blue House. Due to tight schedules, many of our previous
24-hour call in case any emergency occurs. On one such accasion, graduates may not be able to come back here where they had spent
I had to call an ambulance to take care of someone that I was not some of the best moments, but I am sure that more footprints of
so familiar with. It was the first tiem for me. It was also the first mine will be left behind here, Learning is a life-long program, and
time when I accompanied my hall-mates – full of worries – to the what I have been learning will lead me to various achievements in
hospital. I learnt how to care. the days to come.

Activities are one of the most important aspects of hall Thank you Dr. POON, our warden who gave me a precious
life. The Tutor Team regularly organized Guest Evenings inviting opportunity to learn.
different prominent guests to share with fellow hall-mates. Sharing Thank you Dr. LEE, our senior tutor who led us the way through.
by Dr. Tsang Fan-kwong opened a new door for me to learn more Thank you Joe, our hall manager who has offered endless support to
about psyche problems; inspirational speech by Mr. Leung Kee- me during my ups and downs.
cheong has inspired me to rethink my life. Welcoming Night and Thank you members of GranthamRising, for letting me know what
High Table Dinner were some of the biggest challenges for us as care and love is all about.
they were major events requiring us to fully dedicate ourselves Thank you other friends of mine, who have been my professors in
in preparoffing for these activities. Other than these, frequently I this Blue Campus.
assisted GranthamRising to organize different activities especially And finally, thank you this Blue Building, and thank you HKIEd – for
when newbies required our greater support. offering me opportunities to establish friendships that I will treasure
They were never easy tasks. Recalling meetings discussing
the details of High Table Dinner, we had had a lot of arguments For life the legend shall sustain,
and conflicts which had driven us to some of the worst moments Mr Lit Ka Shing Kelven
during our tutorship. We also had to perform during this event At Room 611 of Grantham Hall, HKIEd
but my bad dancing skills had cost me and my team much trouble. Where Memories Flourish
For GranthamRising’s Christmas activity, I recalled various nights
that I worked with their “Chong-mates”, drawing decorations and
preparing activities until the beautiful sunrise. I also remembered
moments when they had conflicts and they came to my room 611
to share, to relax, to cry, to take naps and rests. Such tears and
tiredness soon faded, leaving smiles and memories which inspired

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