Page 43 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 43
燃亮 My Enlightenment

From Receiving to Giving study hard nor was he smart enough! B was a fair reflection of what
he learned and how much effort he spent on the subject during the
semester. I must also say that although he did bring in a dictionary,
Stories often can attract attention; if full after all he did not use or even touch it during the exam.
of character they are useful for translating passion
Professor Lo Sing Kai into inspiration … From Undergraduate to Postgraduate
Associate Vice
President (Graduate Once Upon a Time … Just before Kai finished his BSc(Hon) degree, his Head of
Studies) and Department (a professor who returned to Australia after many
Dean of Graduate In a young university in Sydney, Australia, years of teaching at Princeton University) asked him whether he
School there was an undergraduate student from Hong would like to study abroad. “I am already studying overseas, I am
Kong, everyone called him Kai. At that time, an international student.” Kai replied. “I mean do you want to go
there were very few students from the Greater to the United States?” Kai later on found out from his (Honours
China region studying in that university. Almost degree) thesis supervisor (a professor graduated from and worked
all the Chinese students were from Malaysia and at Stanford University before going back to Sydney) that the Head
Singapore, other Asian students were mainly from of Department (HoD) was concerned not only about the learning
Thailand and Indonesia, and you could hardly see environment provided by the department, but also the future and
anyone from Japan or Korea. career prospect of each individual student. To him, a student’s
interest (which is something that even the student himself/herself
A Year One Student may not be aware of at the time) is of utmost importance. In fact,
the HoD asked another student the same question two years before
On a very warm day in November, one that, and she eventually went to Harvard and stayed in Boston for a
week before the final examination (note: the long time.
academic year in Australia goes from late February
/ early March to late November), a lecturer in Years Later
biology asked Kai whether he would like to bring
an English-Chinese dictionary to the examination. The student eventually became a professor himself and
The lecturer said he just wanted to help students’ came to work in the Hong Kong Institute of Education.
learning he tried to offer individual assistance to
those who might need special attention. Institutional vs Student Interest

Ah! By the way, Kai eventually got a Grade Shortly after the HKIEd started to offer Research Postgraduate
B in biology, not because he was not a native- (RPg) programs, two very smart students in the Institute’s Master of
English speaker, but mainly because he did not Education (MEd) program asked about the new Doctor of Philosophy

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