Page 39 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 39
My Enlightenment

“This is a residential post that requires you to reside I was appointed as a team leader, in Chinese 組爸 , during
on campus during the entire appointment period, attend to the orientation camp. Despite the fact that it was not the first time
emergencies during non-office hours, and to assist the warden in I took this post, this group of my “sons” and “daughters” were of
the development of hall life education through the organization of greater diversity as it was a mixture of HKAL and HKDSE students,
hall activities, provision of pastoral guideline to residents, keeping of different ages and of different backgrounds, unlike those in other
of disciplines in your hall and any other duties as assigned by your orientation camps I had previously been involved in. I learnt to
warden from time to time…” communicate with them, I learnt to cope with challenges during the
orientation camp, and I learnt to take care of them especially when
A seemingly routine and easy job to handle – since the first this place was rather new and unfamiliar to them – and certain
day of being appointed and announced to be a tutor, I have been degree of discomforts had been encountered.
given many chances to learn; no paragraph could ever describe what
I have experienced and the kinds of challenges I have faced. Through the orientation camp, some of them became
great friends of mine. We celebrated our birthdays together in
I am a controversial person. Not soon after the my room 611, leaving dirty marks everywhere due to the crazy
announcement of my appointment, there had been many criticisms throwing of Birthday Cakes, which took a long time for me to clean
on my inexperience in hostel education and cultivation of hall afterwards. But I enjoyed those occasions and they are some of the
culture. Honestly, it was the first time that I had been criticized so best moments I have ever had. We went out together earlier this
severely that the pressure encountered was unbearable for me to a year during New Year’s Eve to celebrate, and took a photo of the
certain extent. But I learnt, with the support of my friends, warden New Year’s first sunset which later attracted some 700 Likes on the
and other members of the Institute, to cope with those criticisms Institutional Facebook page. Although I was their tutor, and they
calmly. I also took their suggestions and comments carefully and were supposed to learn from me, the truth is that I learned just as
learnt how to be a better person, or I would say, a better friend much from them, and my big thanks to them.
among my hall-mates. At this moment, I am proud to say to
everyone that – now I have succeeded, and I have met some of my After becoming a tutor, my life finally began officially in this
best friends here, and even encountered my love. blue house, where I was not so active before. I learnt to speak the
“languages” within this community, I learnt how to live with other
Challenges never stop coming. It was the first week in students and be a good tutor. I also learnt how to take care of them
September, 2012 when the hostel orientation camp was held by the in different occasions. I still remembered that during the overnight
former Students’ Residents Association. Throughout the previous consultation session of the current Students’ Residents Association –
weeks, I had been dedicating myself fully to make the Registration GranthamRising, I spent a lot of time with the committee members,
Days better, to ensure smooth operation of student hostel during many of whom were my “sons” and “daughters”. It was the first
the period, and to assist the newbies of HKIEd to get familiarized moment when I felt the feeling of home, and my heavy responsibility
with the new chapter of their lives. of taking care of them for this election campaign – probably one of
the biggest challenges they had ever had. It was very tiring after two

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