Page 35 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 35
My Enlightenment

that I would not allow myself to be wrapped up in this cycle, or Key to the Wonderland
cyclone, anymore.
Fortunately, this year I didn't focus only on my study and
After spending time on study and entertainment, the jobs. I still had time to indulge in my hobbies: reading novels. In this
next challenges I had to face were my part-time jobs. I worked on aspect, I feel deeply thankful to my English Literature professors,
three weekdays for the MMW Library in the HKIED, on Saturdays who took the initiative to motivate me, encourage me and give me
in a tutoring centre and on Sundays for private tutoring. Wouldn’t the key to this Wonderland. When I started, I found a lot of pleasure
study and work clash? To avoid a clash, time management is again in reading English literature. I’m glad that I found it now and not
crucial. Completion of school work before working time is a must. later because I believe that, a university life is not merely built on
For this, determination is another must-have quality. How to do GPA or inauguration ceremonies of different societies, but it is also
group projects effectively? Cooperation is the golden rule. So, time about broadening one’s horizons in various ways.
management is not only about managing time but also cultivation of
other personal skills which are important to an all-rounded human I came across different chances to enrich my knowledge
being. related to literature. Through poetry analysis, I learnt about
Adrienne Rich; in drama appreciation I was introduced to ‘Little
To balance these three eaters of time, I paid a lot of effort Women’; from ‘Sula’ and a surprising moment when I prepared
this year. I planned my schedule as carefully as I could though errors materials for my students, I discovered Toni Morrison and Maya
often occurred due to my carelessness. I tried to grasp every minute Angelou. In this tour, I saw myself broadening the boundary of my
to finish what I should finish every day. I kept two calendars at my world. I saw the sky thousands miles away from my origin and I
bedside and in the sitting room plus a schedule on my mobile phone. saw my possible destination – literature soon became not merely
All I wanted was to avoid missing a necessary event. After rushing a hobby, but a place where the pieces of the puzzle of life could fit
through all events, when my Mum hurried me to bed, something together.
convinced me that I must finish what I had started before going to
sleep, given that I had already wasted a lot of time. The flow of work The stories I’ve read are all amazing. Liberation of women,
won’t stop for me. If I don't swim well in the flow, I will suffocate and position of both genders, how to get mentally prepared for all kinds
drown. So there are only two ways to go, either to manage time well of hardship……all have been and will be discussed as the earth
or take the risk of burning midnight oil for completion of missions. continues to move along its orbit. What amazed me was how early it
was when people began to discuss these issues and present them in
When I looked back what I rushed through this year, I felt critical, remarkable and fabulous lines. Their thoughts also provoked
like a saved victim in a shipwreck. I’m still learning to get a better me to think: Are there alternative ways to go? Some that are ‘in-
balance. It’s like what Elizabeth Gilbert told us in her novel ‘Eat, Pray, between’ maybe? Like Toni Morrison’s protagonist Sula, I think I
Love’: ‘You should stand with two legs as firmly as with four.’ I know have inherited the concept of choosing or, more accurately, creating
if I don't learn it now I won’t have time to learn it after graduation, option D out of the given options A, B and C. That was why I chose
when I finally dive into this society. not to participate in the school societies as most students do, but

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