Page 26 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 26
燃亮 My Enlightenment

My Journey of Psychological programme at HKIED.
Exploration at HKIED
The PGPSCS programme was interesting and illuminating,
Hello, I’m Angela Koo from the but it was also challenging. I have underestimated the academic
Department of Psychological Studies. I’m rigor of the programme. Initially, I assumed that PGPSCS was
Koo Ka Yan, Angela delighted to have this opportunity to share with going to be another leisure learning programme like the previous
Postgraduate Diploma in you my learning experience at HKIED. introductory psychology programme that I attended, but I was
Psychology (Schools and wrong. I gradually came to realize that studying psychology as an
Community Settings) Time flies! I enrolled in the Postgraduate academic discipline was highly demanding because it involved a lot
Student Diploma in Psychology (Schools and Community of hard work, including an understanding of many major concepts
Settings) (PGPSCS) programme in September 2011 and theories, reading and critically evaluating journals, and learning
and had completed all the course requirements about the different research designs and statistical methodologies,
for graduation in early February 2013. Looking etc. Luckily, the professors were highly supportive, understanding
back, this has indeed been a memorable learning and patient in helping me overcome the learning challenge, and
experience for me, which I would succinctly inspired me to continue my journey of psychological exploration.
describe as ‘one small step in enrolment, but one
big step in self-enhancement.’ To me, education is a lifelong learning process, and I wanted
to enjoy the learning process more than taking exams for the
The reason I initially decided to study purpose of acquiring a diploma. It was fortunate that the PGPSCS
psychology was driven by a desire to learn more programme allowed me the flexibility to change from full-time to
about child development and parenting because I part-time mode of study in the second semester and, as a result, I
have a son. Many people say that adolescence is had more breathing space to enjoy and digest what I've learnt. From
a turbulent period in child development and is a then onwards, my passion for psychology and the joy of learning
trying period for parent-child relations, and I can returned. I became much happier because I could learn at my own
tell you from personal experience that this is true. pace and derived sheer pleasure from learning.
Therefore, when my son was 12 (he is now 15),
I enrolled in a one-year introductory psychology My fellow classmates came from different walks of life with
programme in the hope of understanding more the majority being teachers or professionals in education-related
about this tumultuous developmental stage, and fields. Most of us were graduates in fields other than psychology
hopefully to resolve some of the conflicts. What I who wished to pursue an interest in psychology, and some might
didn’t expect was that the psychological theories have the intention of studying further. In essence, we have a diverse
and concepts fascinated me, and I was intrigued mix of students of different ages coming from different professions
by their relevance to everyday life. Wishing and different cultures. This varied background provided a good
to discover more, I enrolled in the PGPSCS platform for us to share our real-life experiences with each other,

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