Page 25 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 25
My Enlightenment

I also challenged myself to be more pro-active during the my own way of perceiving stress originated from workplace and
lectures. I am not a talkative person and would even describe myself interpersonal relationships. I apply learning theories when playing
as an introvert. Like most Hong Kong students, I seldom answer and communicating with my niece. I pay more attention to people’s
teacher’s questions or raise my own. But, in fact, I found engaging emotions and think more when they talk about how they feel. The
in class discussion to be a positive experience which reinforced my most important change is regarding my own emotional control. I
learning. examine my mood and emotion from time to time such that I can
better enjoy my life.
I want to relate my interest to my study as far as possible.
For instance, I was required to submit a research proposal in the Last weekend, I went to the Ocean Park to celebrate my
Research Methods class. The first idea that immediately came up was birthday with my wife. We had the opportunity to listen to an
“Play & Child Development”. I started looking for relevant journals introduction regarding how a little animal can be trained to perform
and forming my own research method. I discussed the idea with some complex chained actions. As you can imagine, reinforcement
my instructor and was reminded that “Play” is abstract in nature. is the key to the training. However, the animal trainer also pointed
As children play every day and everywhere, concrete definition of out that a clear target for the animal and the trainer’s skill in shaping
“play” is needed such that its effect on child development can be are important elements in successful training (both are principles in
investigated. Actually, I was aware of the difficulty of this topic even learning theories). The trainer was accompanied by his little partner,
before the discussion, as most researchers have already pointed out. who performed by collecting donations from the audience and
As a kind of “old-style-thinking”, I once again considered if I should dropped the money into a donation box. People were amazed at the
change my topic due to my “laziness” and reluctance to put in the animal’s intelligence and ability.
additional effort required. However, I ultimately decided to stay
with the “interest-comes-first” approach as I realized that I would As a person who is studying psychology, I understand the
be much more motivated to complete an assignment that I found process and principles of training, which explains how such a little
interesting. I kept on raising questions and getting lots of positive animal with limited intelligence could be “equipped” with the
feedback from my instructor. The process itself was a reinforcement complex skills. This once again reminds me about the importance of
of the learning experience. I really enjoyed such a communication studying psychology – to facilitate the development of children, who
and the sense of achievement I had after completing the assignment. have potential and ability beyond our expectations!!

Up to this moment, I have finished four courses in this
programme. Of course, I am still a beginner in this area of science.
However, I already see that “psychology” is everywhere in my daily

I am trying to see things and people from psychological
perspectives and apply what I learned to my daily activities. I adjust

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