Page 23 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 23
燃亮 My Enlightenment

A New Chapter, A New Challenge Studying Again

After working for ten years, I must admit that I have almost
When I first told my family or friends forgotten what academic study is about. However, returning
about my decision of studying in psychology, to studies is also an opportunity for me to have a new way of
Fung Wing Kai most of them showed a look of “surprise”. I am an perceiving“study”. Like most students, my main target in the
Postgraduate Diploma in engineering graduate who studied electronics and undergraduate school years was getting a“pass”with minimum
Psychology (School and worked in the industry for nearly ten years. My effort. I used to choose subjects that were recommended by
Community Settings) background did not seem to be suited for such a classmates for being easy, with fewer amount of assignments,
Student move. though they were not my favorite ones. I promised myself not to
stick to such choices this time around. I should aim for something
Actually, that was the exact question I more than a“pass” – gaining solid knowledge. Without such solid
asked myself before making such a decision. knowledge, I would not be able to improve the life of the others.

Why …… Psychology? Get Started, Be Motivated

After working with machines and As I have not studied psychology before, I was required to
integrated circuits for a decade, I have a chance of take a bridging introductory psychology class before being officially
making a change. I would like to learn something admitted to the current programme. Before the start of the bridging
new, relevant to my interest and promote my course, I borrowed a relevant textbook from the public library and
understanding about humans, especially children. read it closely. I did so for the sake of having a better understanding
The birth of my niece provided me with the of what I will be taught and what knowledge I am going to gain,
chance to observe the development of children not just for doing well in the course and meeting the entrance
at close quarters - How do they learn? How do requirement.
they think? How do they behave? Wanting to
understand the mental processes and behavior of I can vividly recall the beginning of the first semester,
kids aroused my interest and curiosity in studying when I suddenly needed to“restart my engine”which hadn’t been
psychology. functioning for long, and switch to study mode - finishing lots of
textbooks / journals, assignments and preparing for the assessments.
Another question comes to my mind – what can That was really an acutely stressful time for me. I felt anxious and
I do for children? Can I contribute something to was emotionally fluctuating. However, I tried my best to adjust my
their development? I wish I can answer these thinking to actively encounter the difficulties and view them as
questions in the future, with the effort I put in challenges. (Of course, it is really hard and I am still struggling with
preparing myself for the challenges. that!!!)

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