Page 31 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 31
My Enlightenmenttenment
My Enligh

In my capacity as a student, I was also inundated at one Indeed, learning never stops for anybody who’s willing to
stage with course work pressures and exams before I made the embrace it for personal growth. After all, education is a lifelong
switch to part-time study. As a mature student, I can have the luxury learning experience which can help to enlighten and enrich our lives.
of switching from full-time to part-time mode of study to give myself It has certainly enlightened my life, and I’m sure it will enlighten
breathing space to enjoy the learning process, but unfortunately the yours too.
current education system does not allow our secondary students
to have such flexibility. Now I can appreciate better the kind of To keep the positive tone going forward, I’d like to wish all of
academic pressure the younger generation is facing under the Hong you the best in your current and future endeavors, and that you will
Kong Diploma of Secondary Education. continue to grow and develop your potential to the fullest!

Hong Kong’s academic structure has traditionally been
driven towards a competitive performance goal orientation, which
partly explains why students are under a lot of stress and their self-
esteem suffer after failure. As parents, inevitably we are also drawn
into such social pressures because we love our children and worry
about their future. From the PGPSCS programme, I learnt that what
we can do as a parent is to try giving our children self-referenced
feedback by focusing on their learning process and their effort,
instead of on their performance and social comparisons with others.
If we can direct them towards a learning goal orientation, children
will view themselves as having more control over their learning
outcomes, and will be more incentivized about putting in extra effort
for growth. I’m still learning everyday to become a better parent
myself, I hope.

Last but not least, as a personal reflection for sharing, I
believe that the major benefit I gained from the programme is to
see things in a more positive light. In psychological terms, we are
advised to adopt a growth mindset in our daily endeavors, meaning
to focus on self-development, self-enhancement and self-motivation,
and to believe in the potential for growth through effort. Growing
one’s mindset can help develop a person’s potential because of its
implications for learning and constructive action, which in turn bring
hope for change for the better.

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