Dr TSE, Yin Nga Kelly
Assistant Professor
- 2948 7383
- B3-1/F-41
- yntse@eduhk.hk
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
- Tse, Y.N.K. (2021). Cinematic Erasure: Translating Southeast/Asia in Crazy Rich Asians. In G.V.S. Chin (Ed.), Translational Politics in Southeast Asian Literatures: Contesting Race, Gender, and Sexuality (pp. 151-170). Abingdon, England & New York, America: Routledge.
Journal Publications
- Tse, Y.N.K. (2023). Perilous Pacific: Thanatic Archive and Vietnamese Refugees. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Latest Articles, online. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369801X.2023.2190911
- Tse, Kelly Yin Nga (2022). Queering imperial history: The ethics of reconciliation in Tan Twan Eng’s The gift of rain. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 57(1), 3-17. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021989418769447
Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
- Tse, Y.N.K. (2023, August). Hong Kong Literature and Port Poetics [Invited talk]. University of Macau Conference on "Blurred Boundaries: Islands, Ports, and Borders in Global History and Literature", Macau.
Refereed conference paper
- Tse, Y.N.K. (2023, July). Reading Asian Waters [Paper presentation]. Association for the Study of Literature and Environment and Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference on "Reclaiming the Commons", virtual. https://aessconference.org/
- Tse, Y.N.K. (2023, April). Maritime Crisis and the Language of Materiality [Paper presentation]. British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, virtual. https://www.bsls.ac.uk/2023-conference-edinburgh-napier/
- Tse, Y.N.K. (2023, April). Of Boats and Bodies at Sea [Paper presentation]. Haunted Shores Network Annual Conference on "Aquatic Surfaces & Depths", virtual. https://haunted-shores.com/haunted-shores-2023-aquatic-surfaces-depths/