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Dr WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna

Dr WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna

Assistant Professor

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters


  • Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2018). “The Endangered Genre: Re-considering the Significance of the Eight-legged Essay in the History of Chinese Literature.” In Current Issues in Contemporary Chinese and Oriental Studies, vol. 1, eds. Alex Alexiev et al. (293-312), Sofia: Sofia University Press.
  • 胡梓穎(2017):〈《牡丹亭》與八股文──從王季重評點本論湯顯祖的士人品位〉,撫州湯顯祖國際研究中心編:《湯學聚珍:2016年中國‧撫州湯顯祖劇作展演暨國際高峰學術論壇論文選集》,243-256,上海:上海古籍出版社。
  • 胡梓穎(2012): 〈晚明滑稽仿作新視野──王思任《弈律》初探〉,Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association, ed. Selina Ching Chan. (1251-1263), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Shue Yan University Contemporary China Research Center, 2012.
  • 胡梓穎(2009)〈何須扇底看桃花──《桃花扇》之解讀與孔尚任罷官原由新探〉,收入周建渝、張洪年、張雙慶編:《重讀經典:中國傳統小說與戲曲的多重透視》,939-978,Hong Kong: Oxford University Press。

Journal Publications


  • 胡梓穎(2024):〈制藝的結尾:湯顯祖萬曆癸未會試制藝考論〉。 《清華學報》,第54卷第2期,307-347[Forthcoming]。
  • 胡梓穎(2024):〈有情以終滅爲驗 ──── 湯顯祖制藝中的時間意識與《紫簫記》中的生命哲學〉。 《人文中國學報》,X,XX-XX [Forthcoming]。
  • 胡梓穎(2021):〈能於筆墨之外言所欲言者──湯顯祖嘉隆時期應試制藝研究〉,《湯顯祖學刊》,8 & 9,104-129。
  • 胡梓穎(2020):〈能於筆墨之外言所欲言者──湯顯祖嘉隆時期應試制藝研究〉,《湯顯祖研究》,32(1),36-51。【中國戲曲學會湯顯祖研究分會內部預刊】
  • 胡梓穎、黃自鴻(2017):〈被建構的文類──從「辨體」角度論傳記與「傳奇文」〉,《臺大文史哲學報》,86,87-126。
  • 黃自鴻、胡梓穎(2016):〈傳記與辨體觀──內部衝突的分類過程〉,《漢學研究》,34(1),95-122。


Conference Papers


  • Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2023, 12). “Tang Xianzu’s Formulated Exegesis and the Arrangement of Parallel Characters in his World of Chuanqi Drama,” Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) 18th Biennial Conference: Studying Things Chinese: Challenges and Opportunities, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 
  • 胡梓穎(2023, 8):〈湯顯祖制藝及其傳奇世界中的平行人物安排〉,第六届「戲曲與俗文學」國際學術研討會,中山大學,廣州,中國。
  • Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2023, 3). “Portraits of the Loyal Officials in the Zhongyi Xuantu: The Reconstruction of the Relationship between Manchu Monarch and Han Officials during the Qianlong Period,” 2023 CHINOPERL Conference, Boston, The United States of America.
  • Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2022, 8). “Inner Sage and Outer King: The Portraits of Kings and Emperors in Tang Xianzu’s Eight-Legged Essay,” 2022 European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic.
  • Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2021, 11). “Flowery Words Picking from the Six Dynasties: The Lyricism of Tang Xianzu’s Eight-legged Essays,” Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) 17th Biennial Conference: Changing China: Then and Now, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
  • Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2021, 8). "Ending with the Disillusionment of Love: The Philosophy of Life in Tang Xianzu’s Eight-legged Essay and the Virtual Lives in The Legend of Purple Flute,” 2021 European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2019, 7). "Tang Xianzu and His Eight-legged Essay: a Re-account on the Great Dramatist of the Late Ming China,” Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) 16th Biennial Conference: Engaging Chinese Scholarship: New Directions, New Challenges, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna (2017, 7). "The "Notorious” Eight-legged Essay: And Its Significance for Rewriting the History of Classical Chinese Literature,” Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) 15th Biennial Conference: Chinese Values and Counter-Values: Past and Present, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. 
  • 胡梓穎 (2016, 6):〈從《雪曇夢》到《魯男子》──論曾樸的自我觀照與清末民初文學轉型〉,清末民初文學文化轉折國際學術研討會,香港公開大學,香港,中國。
  • Wu, Tsz Wing Giovanna  (2016,  4). ‘Alternative Modernities of Kunqu Opera: The Spread of the Peony Pavilion and Dialogue between Culture and Art of China and Other Regions’ 崑劇的另類現代性──《牡丹亭》之流播與中外文化藝術對話. 11th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.