Dr CLAPP, Jeffrey Michael
Associate Professor
- 2948 7835
- B3-2/F-17
- jmclapp@eduhk.hk
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
- Clapp, J. (2019). "The Unique Identity Project: Surveillance Society and Democratic Culture in Aravind Adiga's India". Wasihun, B., Narrating Surveillance--Überwachen erzählen (143-168). Würzberg, Germany: Ergon Press. More Details
- Clapp, J. (2018). "Hong Kong's Edward Snowden / Edward Snowden's Hong Kong". In Polley, Poon, and Wee (eds)., Cultural Conflict in Hong Kong: Angles on a Coherent Imaginary (131-148). London: Palgrave.
- Clapp, J. (2017). "Surveilling Citizens: Claudia Rankine, From the First to the Second Person". In Mackay, A & Flynn, S, Spaces of Surveillance: States and Selves (169-184). London: Palgrave MacMillian. More Details
- Clapp, J. (2016). "Safe from His Readers: Interpretation as Inhospitality in Cold War America". Clapp, J. and Ridge, E., eds., Security and Hospitality in Literature and Culture (175-189). New York: Routledge. More Details
- Clapp, J., & Ridge, E. (2016). Introduction: Risking Hospitality. in J. Clapp, & E. Ridge (Eds.), Security and Hospitality in Literature and Culture: Modern and Contemporary Perspectives (1-16). New York: Routledge.
- Clapp, J., & Ridge, E. (Eds.). (2016). Security and Hospitality in Literature and Culture: Modern and Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Journal Publications
- Clapp, J., & Chen, Y. (2024). The Value Theory of Labor: Xi Xi, Teddy Bears, and World Literature. Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal, 55(4), 0-0.
- Clapp, J. (2021). Jeff VanderMeer, or the Novel Trapped in the Open World. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 62(4), 414-427. https://doi.org/10.1080/00111619.2020.1816890
- Clapp, J., DeCoursey, M., Lee, S. W. S., & Li, K. (2020). “Something fruitful for all of us”: Social annotation as a signature pedagogy for literature education. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 0, 0-0.
- Clapp, J. (2020). "Undisguised Alter Ego: Mary McCarthy's Autofictional Career". Life Writing, 17(1), 27-43. More Details
- Clapp, J. (2019). "The 'Along Comes' Device: Surveillance Capitalism and the Space of Appearance in Lyn Hejinian's Twenty-First Century Writing". College Literature, 46(3), 712-740. More Details
- Clapp, J. (2018). "Robert Lowell, Richard Nixon, and Surveillance Culture". Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 60 (1), 1-31. More Details
- Clapp, J. (2015). "Nicotine Cosmopolitanism: From Italo Svevo's Trieste to Art Spiegelman's New York". Partial Answers, 13 (2), 311-336. More Details
- Clapp, J. (2013). "From Signing to Strangling: Arthur Miller and the National Security State". Textual Practice, 28 (3), 365-384. More Details
- Clapp, J. (2011). "Richard Wright and the Police". Post45, ., 1-21. More Details
Conference Papers
- Clapp, J. (2020, May). Surveillance in Contemporary American Autofiction. Departmental Seminar of the English Department of City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2019, June). We are Data!: Twee Surveillance in Miranda July and Sheila Heti. Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2019, May). The Strength of Weak Ties: One City One Book Hong Kong as Neighborhood. Hong Kong Studies Symposium, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2019, April). Surveillance, Democracy, and American Autofiction. Keynote at 1st Annual Heterotopic Junctions Postgraduate Conference, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2018, October). Inverting Infrastructure in Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach Trilogy. Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present, New Orleans.
- Clapp, J. (2018, June). Reading Claudia Rankine Empathetically. Modernism and Empathy, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2018, January). Data Exhaust: Tao Lin’s Quotation Marks and Surveillance Capitalism. Modern Language Association Convention, New York.
- Clapp, J. (2017, June). Memoir against Metafiction: David Foster Wallace and the Internal Revenue Service. The American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Utrecht.
- Clapp, J. (2016, December). Post-Paranoid David Foster Wallace. Surveillance, Form, Affect. Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2016, May). Non-Obvious Relationship Awareness: Surveillance, Algorithms, and the Forms of Contemporary American Fiction. Literary Form and Reform, Fudan University, Shanghai.
- Clapp, J. (2016, April). Surveillance and Transparency in Claudia Rankine’s American Lyric. The Joint Conference of the Irish and British Associations for American Studies, Queen's University, Belfast.
- Clapp, J. (2016, March). Surveilling Citizens: Claudia Rankine, from the First to the Second Person. American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Boston.
- Clapp, J. (2015, June). Monuments to Information: Kenneth Goldsmith and Maya Lin. Between Monumentalism and Miniaturization: Thinking Big and Small in Contemporary Culture. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2015, May). Hospitality, Hong Kong, and the Culture of Total Information Awareness. Paper presented at Departmental Seminar, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2015, April). Technooriental Hong Kong, from William Gibson to Edward Snowden. International Conference on the History of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2015, March). “Hospitality and Dataveillance”. American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Seattle.
- Clapp, J. (2014, October). Surveillance and Privacy in U.S. Law and Literature. Law and Literature Colloquium of the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, J. (2014, January). Smoking on the Streets of New York: Art Spiegelman as ‘Rooted Cosmopolitan’ in the Shadow of September 11. Modern Language Association Conference, Chicago.
- Clapp, Jeffrey (2013, October). "Rooted Cosmopolitan: Art Spiegelman in New York, circa 9/11/01". Chinese University of Hong Kong English Department, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, Jeffrey (2013, October). "Rooted Cosmopolitan: Art Spiegelman in New York, circa 9/11/01". Chinese University of Hong Kong English Department, Hong Kong.
- Clapp, Jeffrey (2013, January). “U.S. Sovereignty and International Law in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian and The Border Trilogy”. American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Toronto.
- Clapp, Jeffrey (2012, May). “Art, the State, and Ectoplasm: Arthur Miller’s The Archbishop’s Ceiling”. American Literature Association Conference, San Francisco.
- Clapp, Jeffrey (2011, January). “Author or Authoritarian? Nabokov’s Realities and Cold War Confessional Discourse”. Modern Language Association Conference, Los Angeles.
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
- Au Chung-to, Jeffrey Michael Clapp, Loi Ho Man (2014). In Other Words : poetry in translation from HKIEd. Hong Kong: HKIED.