Dr SHANG, Haifeng Aaron
- 2948 8824
- B3-1/F-49
- hshang@eduhk.hk
美國康涅狄格州紐黑文市,耶魯大學,東亞研究委員會,訪問學人 Visiting Fellow of the Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
日本東京都東京市,東京大学,中国思想文化学研究室,訪問学人 Visiting Scholar of the Division on East Asian Thought and Culture at the University of Tokyo, Japan
日本京都府京都市,花園大学,国際禅学研究所,客員研究員 Visiting Research Fellow of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism (IRIZ) at Hanazono University in Kyoto, Japan
日本東京都東京市,人間文化研究機構,国文学研究資料館,外国人研究員 Foreign Research Fellow of the National Institute of Japanese Literature at National Institutes for the Humanities in Tokyo, Japan
美國密歇根州安娜堡市,亞洲研究学会,會員 Regular Member of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
日本東京都東京市,東アジア佛教研究会,会員 Regular Member of the Society of East Asian Buddhist Studies, Tokyo, Japan
日本大阪府吹田市,東アジア文化交渉学会,会員 Regular Member of the Society of Cultural Interaction in East Asia (SCIEA) at Kansai University, Suita, Osaka, Japan