
Dr LEI, Chin Pang
Lecturer I
- 2948 7482
- B3-2/F-23
- cplei@eduhk.hk
Journal Articles:
- Lei, C. P. (2024) Vicissitudes of the underworld: Spatiality and political discourse in Hong Kong gangster films. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, 63(4), 30-52. (AHCI Q1)
- Lei, C. P. (2024) “Take the longest way to cross the street”: Mobile women in Wong Kar-wai’s films. Gender, Place & Culture, 31(5), 595-613. (SSCI Q2).
- Lei, C. P. (2024) Stories about somewhere else: Mobility and “spatial others” in Hong Kong Cinema, Asian Studies Review, 48(3), 467-484. (SSCI Q1).
- Lei, C. P. (2023) One master, many identities: Kung fu and history in the films about Ip Man. Asian Journal of Social Science, 51(3), 155-161. (SSCI Q3).
- Lei, C. P. (2022) The memories of journeys: spatialization of time in Wong Kar-wai’s nostalgic films. Arts, 11(4), 72 (ESCI Q1).
- Lei, C. P. (2021) ‘Indecent’ women and gendered memory: Reflective nostalgia in Hong Kong cinema. ,Asian Journal of Communication,31(3), 163-178. (SSCI Q2)
- Lei, C. P. (2019) “I hate to pull a bullet out of my body”: Crisis-ridden men and postcolonial identity in Wong Kar-Wai’s cinematic Hong Kong. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 21(3), 407-422. (SSCI Q1)
- Lei, C. P. (2016) 香港有個黑社會:香港黑幫片中的政治意識 [Hong Kong triads: political consciousness in Hong Kong gangster films]. 電影欣賞 [Film Appreciation Journal], 168-169, 88-93.
- Lei, C. P. (2010) 回歸十年,影像沒有缺席:澳門的獨立電影 [Ten years after the handover: Independent films in Macau]. 藝術評論 [Arts Criticism] ,4, 46-51. (CSSCI)
- Lei, C. P. (2010) 這個時代,這些劇場作品:談澳門回歸十年前夕的幾部劇場作品 [Theater productions before the tenth anniversary of Macau’s handover]. 廣東藝術 [Guangdong Art], 1, 40-43
Book Chapters:
- Lei, C. P. (forthcoming). The stardom of Anita Mui: Gender, Genre and Chineseness in Hong Kong cinema. In L. Feng (Ed.), Film history and screen culture in and beyondgreater China. Routledge.
- Lei, C. P. (2022). Sword-wielding and gun-shooting women: Gender and post-colonial Hong Kong in Wong Kar-wai’s films. In R. Middlemost and S. Gerrard (Eds.), Gender and action films 1980-2000: Beauty in motion (pp. 139-153). Emerald.
- Lei, C. P. (2022). 一個賭城的空間政治:澳門的城市景觀、保育運動與本土身份 [The spatial politics of a casinopolis: Urban space, preservation movements and local identity of Macau]. 楊鳴宇等著, 澳門政經二十年 [Macau’s twenty years: politics and economy] (pp.63-88). 五南[Wunan].
- Lei, C. P. (2020). Spatial politics in an eastern casinopolis: Urban space, power, and resistance in Macau. In M. U. Ieong (Ed.), Macau 20 years after the handover: Changes and challenges under “one country, two systems”(pp. 20-35). Routledge
- Lei, C. P. (2018). 「人生客路永沒平」:許鞍華的旅程電影與香港意識 [Journeys and Hong Kong-ness in Ann Hui’s films]. 卓男、吳月華編, 許鞍華電影四十 [Ann Hui’s forty years of filmmaking] (pp. 46-58). 三聯[Joint]
- Lei, C. P. (2018). 在城市犯罪,在江湖闖盪:林青霞在王家衛電影中的性別形象 [Brigitte Lin’s gender images in Wong Kar-wai’s films]. 李焯桃、陳志華編, 雲外笑紅塵:林青霞 [Red dust beyond the cloud: Brigitte Lin](頁88-93), 香港國際電影節[Hong Kong International Film Festival].
- Lei, C. P. (2017). 用二十年了解一種電影:我對主流港片的懺悔錄 [A confession about mainstream Hong Kong cinema]. 張偉雄編, 戀戀光塵:我和電影的二三事2 [In love with films: My stories about cinema](頁38-55), 香港電影評論學會[Hong Kong Film Critics Society].
- Lei, C. P. (2017). 梅艷芳:從藝人變成文化符號 [Anita Mui: From an artist to a cultural Icon]. 卓男、蒲鋒編, 群芳譜:當代香港電影女星 [Portrayal of contemporary female stars in Hong Kong cinema](頁102-113), 三聯[Joint].
- Lei, C. P. (2014). 如何成為文創之城:澳門文化政策與文化產業發展趨勢 [The trends of cultural policy and cultural industry of Macau]. 吳志良、郝雨凡編, 澳門經濟社會發展報告2013-2014 [A report on the development of Macau’s economy and society 2013-2014](頁203-214). 社會科學文獻出版社[Social Sciences Academic Press].
- Lei, C. P. (2014). 香港式的憤怒狂歡:路姆西與香港文化症狀 [Lufsig and the cultural syndrome of Hong Kong]. 賈葭編, 香港:是綠洲還是沙漠 [Hong Kong: An oasis or desert] (頁75-88). 中信 [Citic].
- Lei, C. P. (2013). 十年澳門,影像沒有缺席:澳門的獨立電影 [Ten years after the handover: Independent films in Macau]. 澳門人文社會科學研究文選編委會編, 澳門人文社會科學研究文選(2008-2011)[A collection of research articles in social science and humanities in Macau](頁787-794). 社會科學文獻出版社及澳門基金會[Social Sciences Academic Press & Macau Foundation]
- Lei, C. P. (2009). 在賭場旁邊栽種藝文: 澳門藝術文化發展報告 [A report on the development of art and culture in Macau]. 吳志良、郝雨凡編, 澳門經濟社會發展報告2008-2009(頁330-341) [A report on the development of Macau’s economy and society 2008-2009]. 社會科學文獻出版社[Social Sciences Academic Press].
- Lei, C. P. (2007). 我們的天空, 我們的城市文化: 澳門天際線的空間意義 [The spatial meanings of Macau’s skyline]. 梁惠英、趙家權編, 城市文化形象的塑造 [The creation of the cultural images of cities](頁117-122). 澳門基金會[Macau Foundation].
Authored Books:
- Lei, C. P. (2019). 夢伴此城:梅艷芳與香港流行文化 [Dream and the city: Anita Mui and Hong Kong popular culture]. 三聯[Joint].
- Lei, C. P. (2018). 隱形澳門:被忽略的城市與文化 [Invisible Macau: An ignored city and culture]. 遠足文化[Walkers Books].
- Lei, C. P. (2013). 在世界邊緣遇見澳門 [Encountering Macau at the edge of the world]. 澳門日報出版社[Macao Daily Press].
- Lei, C. P. (2007). 旅程瞬間 [The moments on journeys]. 澳門日報出版社[Macao Daily Press].
- Lei, C. P. (2004). 電影的一百種表情 [One hundred expressions of films]. 澳門日報出版社[Macao Daily Press].
Edited Books:
- Lei, C. P. (Ed.) (2020). 香港電影2019:時代影像 [Hong Kong cinema 2019: The images of the era]. 香港電影評論學會[Hong Kong Film Critics Society].
- Lin, Z-w., Hung, K. & Lei, C. P. (Eds.) (2018). 共生此城:東南亞及南亞人在澳門 [Coexist in the city: Southeast Asians and south Asians in Macau]. 新生代青年文化會[New Generation Youth Association].
- Tse, T. & Lei, C. P. (Eds.) (2017). 舞蹈年鑑2015 [Macau dance annual report 2015]. 澳門文化局[Macau Cultural Affair Bureau].
- Tse, T. & Lei, C. P. (Eds.) (2016). 舞蹈年鑑2014 [Macau dance annual report 2014]. 澳門文化局[Macau Cultural Affair Bureau].
- Lei, C. P., Tong, M. S., Ieong, L., Liu, Z.-x. & Lou, V. (Eds.) (2015). 書寫我城: 澳門文學補充教材 [Writing our city: Supplementary teaching materials of Macau literature]. 澳門教青局[Education and Youth Bureau].
- Lei, C. P. & Chaknam (2014). 最後的蔓珠莎華: 梅艷芳的演藝人生 [The last cluster amaryllis: Anita Mui’s art and life]. 三聯 [Joint]
Keynote Speech:
- Lei, C. P. (2022, June 16). 梅艷芳與姜濤:疫情下的香港明星文本 [Anita Mui and Keung To: Hong Kong Star Texts under Covid 19]. The 17th International Conference on Development and Tendencies in Communications Management (online conference), Shih Hsin University, Taipei
Conference Papers/Presentations:
- Lei, C. P. (2024, February 3). 無家的女人:梅艷芳電影中的亂世與流離 [Homeless Women: Troubled Times and Diaspora in Anita Mui’s Films] [Paper presentation]. 變:梅艷芳與香港流行文化研究會 [Metamorphosis: Anita Mui and Hong Kong Popular Culture], 香港大學 [University of Hong Kong], 香港 [Hong Kong]
- Lei, C. P. (2023, November 10).「逝去光彩不復還」:《梅艷芳》的空間運用、文化身份與廣東歌歷史 [The Bygone Days: Space, Cultural Identity and Cantopop’s History in the film Anita] [Paper presentation]. 海外離散之音與鄉愁:粤語流行音樂在東南亞地區的發展學術研討會 [Nostalgia of Diaspora Music: Conference on the Development of Cantonese Pop Music in the Southeast Asia], 香港珠海學院 [Hong Kong Zhu Hai College], 香港 [Hong Kong]
- Lei, C. P. (2022, May 25). Anita: Stardom and cultural memory in Hong Kong cinema [Paper presentation]. Forgotten Popular Culture: Asian Cinema and Film History (online conference), University of Leicester, Leicester.
- Lei, C. P. (2019, March 10). 回憶總是流動的:許鞍華的旅程故事、微觀歷史與香港意識 [Ann Hui’s stories of journeys, micro-history, and Hong-Kong-ness] [Paper presentation]. 台灣文化研究年會[Annual Conference of Taiwan Cultural Studies Association], 交通大學[Chiao Tung University], 台北[Taipei].
- Lei, C. P. (2018, June 3). Genres as time machines: Alternative history in Hong Kong cinema [Paper presentation]. ACCS (The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies) 2018, Kobe Art Center, Kobe.
- Lei, C. P. (2018, March 10). 香港是個黑社會:港產黑幫片的政治意識 [The political consciousness of Hong Kong gangster films] [Paper presentation]. 台灣文化研究年會[Annual Conference of Taiwan Cultural Studies Association], 台灣大學[University of Taiwan], 台北[Taipei].
- Lei, C. P. (2017, June 3). The subversion of masculine genre and the writing of postcolonial identity in Hong Kong Cinema [Paper presentation]. ACCS (The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies) 2017, Kobe Art Center, Kobe.
- Lei, C. P. (2017, March 11). 四個葉問,三種香港身份:從葉問電影看港片的身份認同與歷史意識 [Identities and historical consciousness in the films about Ip Man] [Paper presentation] . 台灣文化研究年會[Annual Conference of Taiwan Cultural Studies Association], 淡江大學[Tamkang University], 台北[Taipei].
- Lei, C. P. (2015, October 17). 香港「神獸」路姆西:網路公共領域的髒話文化 [Hong Kong monster Lufsig: Foul language in the public sphere on the internet] [Paper presentation]. 新傳播、新主體與新公民社會國際研討會 [International Conference on New Communication, New Subjectivity, and New Civil Society], 師範大學[Normal University], 台北[Taipei].
- Lei, C. P. (2015, July 2). Is 2046 a year or a room? Nostalgia, spatialization of time and alternative history in Wong Kar-wai’s films [Paper presentation]. MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) PGN Conference, University of Coventry, Coventry.
- Lei, C. P. (2014, June 28). ‘Nationalism and its discontents in Hong Kong cinema: Four films about the kung fu master Ip Man [Paper presentation]. Film and Media 2014: The 4th Annual London Film and Media Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
- Lei, C. P. (2014, July 3). Cultural politics of hybridity: Anita Mui and post-colonial Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. The 10th Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, University of Tampere, Tampere.
- Lei, C. P. (2013, June 28). Questions of stardom and gender in post-colonial Hong Kong culture: Anita Mui [Paper presentation]. Film and media 2013: The 3rd Annual London Film and Media Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
- Lei, C. P. (2012, June 5).Women in the mood for travel: gender and mobility in Wong Kar-wai’s post-colonial Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. The 9th Crossroads in Cultural Studies conference, Sorbonne University, Paris.
- Lei, C. P. (2012, June 23). Male crisis and post-colonial identity in the films of Wong Kar-wai [Paper presentation]. The 2nd Annual London Film and Media Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
- Lei, C. P. (2012, March 19). Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere: Travelling women in Wong Kar-wai’s globalized and post-colonial Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. The Asia Cinema Studies Society Conference, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Lei, C. P. (2011, July 14). Nostalgia, temporal others and cultural resistance: Cinematic narration of alternative history in the films of Wong Kar-wai [Paper presentation]. The 1st Annual London Film and Media Conference, the Institute of Education, University of London, London.
- Lei, C. P. (2010, July 1). Traveling women: gender and space in Hong Kong’s post-colonial culture [Paper presentation]. MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) PGN Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
- Lei, C. P. (2009, July 4). In the mood for travel: mobility in Wong Kar-wai’s films [Paper presentation]. The Mobility and Creativity Conference, the University of Surrey, Guildford.
- Lei, C. P. (2009, July 9). Spatial others in Wong Kar-wai’s films and Hong Kong’s post-colonial culture [Paper presentation]. MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) PGN Conference, University of Bangor, Bangor.
- Lei, C. P. (2007, July 5). Skyline and power in Macau [Paper presentation]. Cross-Current Interdisciplinary Conference, The University of Sussex, Brighton.
- Lei, C. P. (2006, July 23). Instable space and identity crisis in Hong Kong cinema [Paper presentation]. MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) PGN Conference, University of Ulster, Belfast.
- Lei, C. P. (2006, May 28). Colonial and post-colonial culture in Wong Kar-wai’s films [Paper presentation]. The Post-colonial Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton.