In the award presentation
ceremony Professor Lo spoke about education reform.@She appealed
to policy-makers to be aware of the great responsibilities
which teachers bear, to pay due respect to the professional
judgment of teachers, and avoid making over hasty- and over
frequent-reforms. Her speech aroused considerable public debate.
Following receipt of the Award, Professor Lo gave a public
lecture with the title "Equipping Teachers in a Knowledge-based
Economy" on January 17, 2004. Over 300 participants were
drawn to the Institute's Taipo campus for the lecture. Professor
Lo spoke about the role of educators today. Teachers, she
said, must understand current social tides, be willing to
explore new ideas, be flexible and design lessons which are
enjoyable so as to garner students' attention.
Professor Lo sees education as a communicative art. Educators,
she believes, must see themselves as exponents of this art.
Apart from acquiring competence in teaching skill, an educator
must have high aspirations for education and be willing to
make sacrifices and to persevere in life-long learning.
(A video clip of Professor Lo's speech is available at