he recognises that teaching in the 21st Century poses new and different demands.
His vision is conveyed in terms of the quality of graduates he hopes the Institute
will produce - dedicated and competent, but also knowledgeable with a love for
knowledge and for learning and a realisation that knowledge is not acquired
easily, that learning brings pain as well as joy. His vision is of graduates
who care for their pupils in affective ways but also understand their pupils;
recognise them as unique individuals, social beings and members of a free and
pluralistic society. He expects HKIEd graduates to be teachers with a caring
commitment to the environment of Hong Kong and of the world.
The importance of learning from life
Professor Luk endorses the current emphasis on lifelong learning. He advocates
a "good, solid and joy-filled" initial teacher education programme,
balancing theoretical and practical knowledge, broadening the intellectual
and social horizons of students. Luk emphasises that young teachers will need
to build on their initial grounding in the discipline and continually develop
and expand this throughout their professional careers. This development on
and expansion of initial knowledge would come about partly, but not only,
through formal continuing professional development. Luk firmly believes that
reflection on life and experience is equally important. "Young teachers,"
he emphasises, "will be most effective if they have received initial
teacher education that has inspired them to think about issues within themselves
and within society." But teacher education should not be viewed merely
as a vocational preparation. Lifelong learning must acknowledge not only attendance
at courses, workshops and seminars, but the importance of enjoying and reflecting
on a healthy and fruitful lifestyle. Only in this way will lifelong learners
become effective teachers.