Most of the East
Asian countries represented in the Symposium have a 5 or 10-year
plan to reduce class sizes and have given priority to smaller
classes through injection of resources. They see smaller classes
as a means to effect a paradigm shift away from rote learning
and towards the active construction of knowledge. The seminar
helped demonstrate the benefits of small-class teaching within
Confucian heritage cultures similar to Hong Kong, which are
characterised typically by teacher-centred learning and examination-orientation.
Delegates from the Regional Symposium took up our invitation
to speak at another seminar entitled "Practice of Small
Class Teaching: Sharing Experiences with Local Educators"
organised for school heads and teachers. They gave valuable
insights into how classroom teaching methods, student assessment
and teacher education can be improved to support small class
(From left to
Mrs and Professor Chang Ching-bin, Chungtai Institute of Health
Sciences and Technology, Taiwan; Dr Lai Kwok-chan, Office
of Planning and Academic Implementation, HKIEd; Prof Lee Wing-on,
Department of Educational Policy and Administration, HKIEd;
Mr Mao Fang, Shanghai Municipal Education, Science, Culture
& Health Commission; Ms Chan Pou-wan, Education Department,
Education & Youth Affairs Bureau, Macau Special Administrative
Region; Professor Yaosaka Osamu, Educational Administration
Department, Kyushu University, Japan; Ms Man Lei Ka-lai, Division
of Pre-School and Primary Education, Education & Youth
Affairs Bureau, Macau Special Administrative Region; Dr Soomyung
Jang, Educational Finance and Economy Research Team, Korean
Educational Development Institute, South Korea and Mr Ip Kin-yuen,
Department of Educational Policy and Administration, HKIEd.