
EDTECH 教育科技研讨会2022

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分享会 (第一天)

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 陈隽庭老师

保良局陈丽玲(百周年) 学校
分享主题: 沉浸式虚拟现实教学于特殊学校内的学与教
摘要: 赛马会 「智历奇境」学习计划,由六所不同类别的特殊学校,以创新的虚拟现实为本学习方法,让学生透过不同的场景和多元化的情节,体验日常生活中较少接触但非常重要的情境,并透过在不同的情境中反复学习及适应,逐步强化学员对不同生活经验的掌握。在过去两年多时间不断实践,现融汇各同工的经验及实证研究,盼与业界同工分享成果。
讲座语言: 广东话

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 杨良河教授
分享主题: 人工智能驱动的看图造句自动评分
摘要: In assessing students’ language learning progress, it will be most helpful if a tool can automatically score students’ writing tasks. It can help reduce teachers’ workload and shorten the time to provide feedback to students. In this talk, we will introduce an efficient AI-driven automated scoring tool for a picture writing task which asks students to write a sentence to describe a given picture. In particular, we will first describe how we design a picture writing test, create a data set for training and testing, and then develop an AI scoring model by considering the content from both the picture and its textual description. Finally, we will report the testing performance of our AI model and give some concluding remarks. This is a joint work with Ruibin Zhao (MIT), Yipeng Zhuang (MIT), Di Zou (ELE) and Qin Xie (LML).
讲座语言: 广东话 (辅以英语)

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 潘纪恩博士
香港教育大学特殊教育与辅导学系 副系主任,助理教授
分享主题: 学前儿童之电脑化工作记忆训练
摘要: (即将更新)
讲座语言: 广东话 (辅以英语)

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 陈子钧先生

分享主题: Ear Connect
摘要: The project develops a sign language communication mobile application on the two platforms (iOS and Android system) and a website. The project deliverables:
- facilitate the communication between the public unfamiliar with sign language and hearing-impaired persons in daily life and in important situations,
- create a barrier free path of communication for the hearing-impaired persons and assist them to integrate into the community,
- disseminate the sign language and foster a sense of communion between the hearing-impaired persons and the hearing community.

The project entails the development of:
1. a sign language interactive communication platform for the use in daily life and in important situations (such as in hospital or while interacting with police),
2. a pioneer system translating Chinese sentences into the sign language to support the above-mentioned “sign language interactive communication platform” and to be a pioneering technology product for sign language sentences translation in Hong Kong market,
3. a sign language e-learning program which guides the user to learn sign language in a personalized and step-by-step manner.
讲座语言: 广东话

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 罗嘉怡博士
动中文方案有限公司 行政总裁
分享主题: 让不可能变成可能:以「动语文」教学法和科技推动SEN学生的动态中文学习
摘要: 动语文(简称 mLang)是全纳性的协作式学习平台,学生透过制作智能型学习卡,达到动态学习的6个m,即mobile移动、multimedia多模态、multilingual多语文、meaning 意义、motivation动力、mutual相互贡献;不同特质的学生共同参与,培养积极的学习态度和札实的语文能力。
讲座语言: 广东话

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 袁志彬博士
香港教育大学整全成长发展中心 总监
香港教育大学特殊教育与辅导学系 副教授
分享主题: 粤语幼儿声调双耳异讯聆听测试 (CaPeLeToDLT) 的电脑化测试平台的开发,以识别患有中枢听觉处理障碍的幼儿
摘要: Dichotic listening (DL) testing is a sensitive and powerful tool to investigate how efficient speech sounds is being processed by the two ears up to the cerebral hemispheres connected to them. During DL testing, two different speech stimuli are presented simultaneously to the testee's ears to trigger identification response. Divided Attention DL testing can assess the bottom-up stimulus driven auditory processing discrepancies of the left ear-right brain-left brain channel versus the right ear-left-brain channel to access the maturation of the central auditory nervous system. In addition, Directed Attention DL testing can access the top-down instructional driven auditory processing competence on allocating attentional resources for cognitive processing. The right ear-left ear performance differences, e.g., right ear advantage or the left ear one, informs whether a child's auditory processing development is in fact typical or disordered. Delayed or deviant development in DL listening may hinder children's processing capacity, i.e. enhancing the processing of multiple streams or inhibiting the processing of unimportant streams of acoustic-phonetic speech information for learning, language, and cognitive development.
讲座语言: 英语 (辅以广东话)

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 许初银女士
协康会 中心经理
分享主题: 协康会 - 运用智能机械人在特殊需要学童训练中
摘要: 协康会近年引入不同种类机械人,尝试运用多面性的教学方法,于特殊需要学童训练中。借着学童对机械人的好奇及关注,以加强学童的专注力及学习持久度,活像以游戏方式去参与活动教学,令自闭症及特殊需要学童的表现,更为投入、主动、稳定和持久;而机械人重复及平稳的表达方式,对特殊需要学童,尤其自闭症学童的学习更见效益。
讲座语言: 广东话

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 甘志珊博士
分享主题: Automatic Hearing and Listening-in-Noise Ability Screening System for Children
摘要: A tablet-based Automatic Children Hearing and Listening-in-Noise Ability Screening System is developed, enabling hearing screening tests to be carried out quickly as a routine child health care examination in the community. An automatic pure-tone screening test is commonly used in audiological assessments conducted by doctors and audiologists, while a listening-in-noise screening test is not usually included in routine audiological assessment protocol. With some simple devices, both tests can be implemented in places in the community where audiological support is not available and act as preliminary hearing screening tests for children. In this way, children with hearing loss or auditory processing problems can be detected earlier, and consequently, early diagnosis and intervention are made possible.
讲座语言: 广东话 (辅以英语)

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 仇恒初校长
分享主题: 一站式电子学习平台的发展
摘要: 旨在分享一所轻度智障学校如何运用数据,进一步发展一站式电子学习平台及教学资源,以照顾不同学习需要。在疫情下,学校积极推动电子学习的新常态,逐步将教学工作电子化,利用电子书系统进一步推展自主学习,并提升学与教的质素。我们相信特殊学习的困难只是学习差异,只要掌握应用电子教学,就能照顾学生的不同学习需要。
讲座语言: 广东话 (辅以英语)

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 谢明辰先生
南京特殊教育师范学院数学与信息科学学院 助教
分享主题: 基于手语图数据库的语义挖掘
摘要: 参与张艳琼老师国家社科项目《手语图数据库》系统建设以及数据挖掘,目前图数据库已经可以投入使用,第三方Web接口将在下学期完成 。
讲座语言: 普通话

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 黄俊文先生

分享主题: 应用人工智能和物联网支持有特殊教育需要学童
摘要: 贝智人工智能开发了一个革命性的远程学习系统 - 智能综合治疗学习系统,以支持家长和教师在家中和学校为他们的特殊教育需要(SEN)孩子/学生进行行为治疗。系统结合了人工智能和物联网 (AIoT),为 SEN 学生定制个性化教育计划 (IEP)。

智能综合治疗学习系统是香港首个收集学生的学习数据、生理数据和课堂环境数据进行培训表现分析的学习系统。该系统提供了一种具有成本效益的解决方案,从而加快评估过程并为每位SEN学生量身定制 IEP。用家在课程主任的支持下使用智能综合治疗学习系统,将可以为SEN学童提供高效的行为治疗,从而协助SEN学童茁壮成长。
讲座语言: 广东话 (辅以英语)

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 张居晓博士
南京特殊教育师范学院数学与信息科学学院 副院长,副教授
分享主题: 基于Petri网和RBF网多重手势识别输入盲文
摘要: 信息无障碍的发展越来越受到重视。盲人无法通过触觉获取触摸屏信息的位置,造成盲人输入盲文障碍。现有的盲文输入法存在无法精确定位和缺少交互提示问题。该文利用RBF网络实现触摸手势元动作训练与识别,利用时间Petri网中引入逻辑、时序和空间关系描述方法对组合手势进行建模,最终实现多重触控手势识别完成盲文输入。实验结果表明方法有效,盲人能够输入盲文,适应不同用户,基本能达到实时交互。输入法充分利用盲文高度内在逻辑性,使得盲人易学易记,为盲人与触摸屏之间人机交互提供新方法。
讲座语言: 普通话

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 梁智轩博士
香港教育大学文化与创意艺术学系 助理教授
分享主题: 以e-乐团重塑音乐学习
摘要: e-Orch Innovative Music Project aims to lower the barrier of music-making by using technology. The e-Orch system consists of an app and a cloud-based software, which specifically designed for music performance and composition. Integrated with the patented Grid Notation, virtual instruments and AI music generator, the innovation makes music education accessible and inclusive without years of classical music training.
讲座语言: 广东话 (辅以英语)

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 金梅教授
分享主题: AR技术支持下冰雪运动在特教学校体育教学中的应用研究
摘要: AR technology can help special children get sports experience that cannot be satisfied in the real world and participate in ice and snow sports more directly. With the help of field investigation, it is found that AR technical support can make ice and snow sports more intuitive and real, present action essentials more clearly, improve action mastery ability and promote the development of sports ability of special children. It is suggested that special education schools carry out ice and snow sports in combination with AR technology, which provides a new driving force for the development of ice and snow sports and strengthens the foundation for the development of ice and snow sports.
讲座语言: 英语

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 洪强博士
香港教育大学文化与创意艺术学系 副教授
分享主题: 可动 + 可触 +可听: 立体汉字「共融设计」及「工作坊」
摘要: 「互动 + 发声:3D立体触摸汉字设计及工作坊」是一个特别为视障人士(PVI)而设计的中文学习研究项目。团队设计一套全新的「学」与「教」工具: 可互动、触摸及发声的3D立体汉字。通过其具备前瞻性和普及性的功能,有助于建立及改善现有中文文字教学法,并提升不同年龄层及种族的中文学习效能。
我们期待把当中研究的结果及新知识转化为实用,能1) 提供一个贴近小区的艺术、科技及数码媒体的综合学习体验,2) 透过这套学习工具,提供全新的「汉字文化艺术学习体验」,以达致伤健共融。
讲座语言: 广东话

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 陈基志先生
iSTEM Limited 董事
分享主题: 全民科普 你我同行
摘要: iSTEM AI Lab aims to provide a happy personalized learning environment for students with special education needs (SEN) aged 6 to 12, to promote active learning and to help SEN students develop their capability in problem-solving.
iSTEM has created a movement in “flipped learning. Our environmentally-friendly solution provides a personalized hands-on experience through enhancing co-learning and co-creation.
Our mission is “Everyone can be a happy STEMer"
讲座语言: 广东话

项目 详情
讲者姓名: 许峥烨博士
香港教育大学特殊教育与辅导学系 博士后研究员
分享主题: Introducing an educational application for both training and assessing children with specific learning difficulties
摘要: Specific learning difficulties (SpLDs) is an umbrella term to cover a range of frequently co-occurring difficulties with particular aspects of learning. The prevalence rate of SpLDs is over 10% in Hong Kong and all over the world. Considering the global trend to integrate information and communication technology in education, developing a game-oriented education system is expected to help children’s learning and development. Therefore, we selected 14 cognitive areas critical for children’s academic achievement to build a play-oriented supporting system (POSS) for training and assessing children with specific learning difficulties. To improve children’s motivation, the system involves a concept of community. In addition to playing games individually, the system enables players to invite friends to enjoy playing games together. As well, teachers and parents can easily monitor and track children’s performance, and the results can be presented to them in user-friendly way.
讲座语言: 英语

