FHM Researchers - Prof WANG Minjuan

FHM Researchers - Prof WANG Minjuan
Chair Professor of Emerging Technologies and Future Education
Department of English Language Education (ELE)
Research Area(s):
- Computer/Mobile Assisted Language Learning (CALL/MALL)
- Generative AI and creative processes
I just moved to Hong Kong from San Diego, California. In the USA, I worked on multi-year research and development grants related to CALL and MALL, focusing on online assessment of second languages. I also published a high-citation paper on mobile learning in college English classes of more than 1000 students (hybrid reaching).
Lately, the use of generative AI in creative writing, music, and art (e.g., drawing & painting) sparked my interest. My team is currently developing an AI platform to teach creative writing, which can be expanded to include more creative art. I hope to further develop my expertise (both technical development and research) in this area with expert colleagues and RPg students.
Grant serving as PI: Creating Online Diagnostic Tests and Course Materials for Critical Languages, US Department of Education, $855,929
Relevant publications:
- Wang, M., Wang, M.J., Cui, Y. (2021). Art teachers’ attitudes towards online learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 627095
- Wang, M. J. & Guo, M. (2018). Integrating WeChat-based mobile-assisted language learning into college English curriculum. EAI Transactions on E-Learning, 18(17).
- Wang, M.J. & et al. (2010). Understanding the support needs of non-native English speakers in online learning. Open Education Research, 16(2), 160-168.
- Wang, M. J., Shen, R. M., Novak, D., & Pan, X. Y. (2009). The impact of mobile learning on students' learning behaviours and performance: Report from a large blended classroom. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(4), 673-695 (highly cited)
- Wang, M., Wang, M. J. et al. (2024). Unleashing ChatGPT’s power: A case study on optimizing information retrieval in flipped classrooms via prompt engineering, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 17, 629-641.