FHM Researchers - Dr YAN Jing

FHM Researchers - Dr YAN Jing
Assistant Professor
Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL)
Research Area(s):
- Language Education
Welcome to the Department of Chinese Language Studies at EdUHK. This message is intended for student candidates who consider applying for the postgraduate programmes under my supervision. I expect my students to have strong interest in task-based language teaching, oral interaction, communicative competence in the field of teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language. Students with good training in research methodology and with relevant teaching experience will be given priority. I intend to provide a constructive learning and research environment by establishing a collaborative learning community with the students. Students will be engaged in sharing ideas, developing a thorough understanding of the literature, and critically commenting on peers’ research projects, with my systematic guidance.
- 延晶.(2022). 國際漢語教學專業線上教學模式探索:基於文本挖掘分析(text-mining).《國際中文教育學報》, 10, 67-82.
- Yan, J. & Cai, Y.Y. (2021). Teachers’ instruction of reading strategies and primary school students’ reading literacy: An approach of multilevel structural equation modelling. Reading and Writing Quarterly. Published Online.
- Yan, J. (2021). Developing Chinese student teachers’ understanding of task-based language teaching by online collaborative discussion. Journal of Chinese Language Teaching. 18(1). 1-31.
- Yan, J. (2020). Chinese vocabulary learning strategies by English-speaking learners: A think-aloud study. Global Chinese. 6(2). 237-262.
RPg students’ theses:
- The impact of task complexity and sequencing on CFL learners’ oral performance
- An investigation on effects of teacher and peer feedback on writing performance in secondary students: A comparative study