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Emblem of The Education University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Humanities

Workplace English Self-access Learning Platform

Workplace English Self-access Learning Platform is one of the deliverables of CRAC Project (#03ABR) which aims at providing extra learning support for senior-year entry students. This platform, developed by the Centre for Language in Education, helps students with their learning of English relevant and essential in the workplace. Students can access resources for workplace English where 'English for job application', ‘Emails for administration', ‘Writing at workplace' and ‘Speaking at workplace' are introduced.


Under 'English for Job Application', students can learn how to prepare when applying for a job including important points to note when preparing a job application, skills of writing a cover letter and a CV, tips for preparing and attending a job interview, skills of writing a thank-you letter after finishing a job interview, etc. Under ‘Emails for Administration', students can learn how to write different types of email at workplace effectively and appropriately such as making arrangements, writing memos and notices, making enquiries and dealing with complaints. Under ‘Writing at Workplace', students can learn how to prepare numerous workplace documents such as agenda, minutes, proposal, report, appraisal document and resignation letter. Under ‘Speaking at Workplace', students can learn various effective speaking strategies which can be applied in attending a meeting, chairing a meeting, having small talks to build relationships with colleagues, giving presentations at workplace, networking and negotiating with staff from other companies.


Apart from the written description and explanation, students can acquire the target skills through viewing the writing samples, in-house video exemplars, recommended external videos and recommended websites, and attempting the language exercises.



