The Forum “Practical ideas for English language teaching (PELT): into and beyond classroom” Held to Exchange Insights on English Language Education
- 2023
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- Department of English Language Education
The forum “Practical ideas for English language teaching (PELT): into and beyond classroom” was held on 12 November 2022, co-organised by the Faculty of Humanities (FHM), the Department of English Language Education (ELE) and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I). The forum was addressed by Professor John Lee Chi Kin, Vice President (Academic) and Provost of EdUHK and Professor John Nguyet Erni, Dean of Faculty of Humanities. Also, Dr Sylvia Chan May Kuen, Principal of Ying Wa Primary School, Ms Christina Chung, Parent Representative of Ying Wa Primary School, and Dr Kevin Yung Wai Ho, Associate Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, shared their experiences of English language education from their own perspectives.
Followed by the forum, three parallel sessions featuring our three renowned speakers of ELE, Dr Kohnke Lucas, Dr Daniel Fung King Tat, and Dr April Liu Yiqi, and finally a plenary talk session given by Ms Clairine Chan Ka Yin and concluded by the Head of ELE, Prof Gu Mingyue Michelle at the end of the event.
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