The Second ELE e-Learning Roundtable
- 2020
- News Updates
- Department of English Language Education
The Department of English Language Education (ELE) held the 2nd ELE e-Learning Roundtable on 8 June 2019. The event was organised to share the experiences from local English teachers involved in the project “Unleashing e-Resources in English Language Education (URiELL)” supported by the University’s Central Reserve Fund. The project’s aim is to promote the integration of e-Learning in English language teaching in primary and secondary schools through an organic approach to professional development. The roundtable introduced the soft launch of, which is a website that provides news, tutorials, case studies and research generated from the URiELL project and community. The roundtable also included a keynote presentation, roundtable discussion and parallel sessions. The discussion explored the topic of what teachers can do to gain focus after their first exploratory year of integrating technology into their classrooms.
Parallel sessions were conducted by participating schools, members of ELE and teachers in Hong Kong. Topics ranged from Using Google Slides to Facilitate Pre-Writing to Using Google Sites to Support Students in the Classroom and Beyond.
Over 100 participants attended the Saturday event, and due to the positive feedback received, a Third roundtable is scheduled for 7 June 2020.
The URiELL team thanks the following people for their contribution to the ELE e-Learning Roundtable:
Dr Zou Di; Mses Zoe Chan, Teresa Chow, Jenny Leung, Cherry Tang, Koci Xu, Zoe Xu, Fiona Yung and Ruofei Zhang; Messrs David Issac Bates, Jason Calvert, Mike Choi, Raymond Lui and Andrew Tse.
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