詩意年華 如歌教院 — 香港教育大學中文研究文學碩士(語文教育)課程 2015 畢業朗誦會
- 27 Apr, 2015
- Research & Knowledge Transfer
- Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

- 26 Apr, 2015
- Research & Knowledge Transfer
- Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

馮志弘博士講座: 《東京夢華錄》是否「著其盛,正著其所以衰」? --兼論宋人的「華胥之夢」
- 20 Apr, 2015
- Research & Knowledge Transfer
- Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

文灼非先生講座: 「我的新聞工作之路」
- 15 Apr, 2015
- Research & Knowledge Transfer
- Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

BEd(Chinese Language) Student Ms Cheung Tsz-yau Awarded Gold Prize at the 2nd Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teacher Election
- 13 Apr, 2015
- Recognitions & Achievements
- Faculty of Humanities