馮志弘博士 「動漫形式的中國古代文學教材——以香港教育大學「賽馬會與文同樂學習計劃」及「看動畫.學歷史」為例 」
- 06 Oct, 2020
- Research & Knowledge Transfer
- Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

Undergraduate Prospectus 2021/22 is Out!
- 28 Sep, 2020
- Publication
- Faculty of Humanities

A Journey to the West: Yijing in Europe and the United States, 1920s -1960s
- 22 Sep, 2020
- Research & Knowledge Transfer
- Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

An online platform providing local teachers with practical ideas for promoting literary appreciation and creative writing
- 17 Sep, 2020
- Research & Knowledge Transfer
- Faculty of Humanities

International Forum of Textbook Development and Virtual Conference on Teaching Chinese as an International Language
- 11 Jul, 2020
- Forum
- Department of Chinese Language Studies