Page 25 - Personal Leadership Charter
P. 25

Personal Leadership Charter

                  Charter Stage         Description              Output / When
                Leadership         Personal Mission         Output (shared)
                Platform           Statement                • 1 page document
                                                            • 3 minute presentation at
                                   Personal Values Statement      Live-in-Learning
                                   – beliefs about education
                                   and leadership           When
                                                            • During first three sessions
                                                            • In Alliances
                                                            • At Live-in-Learning

                Leader Capability   Supported self-analysis   Output
                Audit              of capabilities using    • Questionnaire
                                   Emerging, Solid,
                                   Comprehensive scale      When
                                                            • During sessions
                                   (ESF Leadership Capability    • In Alliances
                Illustrating       A self-analysis of practices   Output
                Practices          using samples of when and   • Questionnaire
                                   how Practices have been
                                   applied                  When
                                                            • During sessions
                                   (ESF Leadership Capability
                                   Framework)               • In Alliances
                Leader Learning    Identification of the key   Output
                Priorities         learning priorities flowing   • Priorities
                                   from the analysis
                                   (Can articulate with School
                                   PDP)                     • During sessions
                                                            • In Alliances
                Leadership         Clarification and        Output (shared)
                Charter Statement   declaration of:         • Max 3 pages
                (Personal                                   • Presentation at Learning
                Leadership         1. What you expect of       Expo
                Charter)                yourself as a leader
                                   2. What others can expect    When
                                        of you as a leader  • During sessions
                                                            • In Alliances
                                   (Reflecting values,
                                   competencies & practices)  • At Learning Expo
                      Please see the Leader Platform Booklet for guidelines for Platform.

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