Page 6 - Leadership Platform
P. 6

A Leadership Platform - Where

               do we begin?

                              An educational platform is a declaration of the
                  principles on which you stand.  It encompasses your strongly held beliefs -
                                        these drive what you do.

               You  cannot  be  a  successful  leader  unless  you  have  consciously  developed
               and articulated a leadership platform.  For a school leader, this is based upon
               your beliefs about education and people.  A solid platform (one that can guide
               meaningful action) begins with thinking critically about what we stand for and
               why we believe this. And then laying this out explicitly for discussion / debate
               with others.  It’s that simple….. and that complex.

               An  educational  platform  “is  made  up  of  those  basic  assumptions,  beliefs,
               attitudes  and  values  that  are  underpinnings  of  an  educator’s  behavior
               (they also affirm that) just as a political party is supposed to base its decisions
               and actions on a party platform, so too educators carry on their work, make
               decisions,  and  plan  instruction  based  on  their  educational  platform”
               (Sergiovanni & Starrat, 2001, p. 70).

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