Page 8 - Leadership Platform
P. 8

A Leadership Platform

               Those  aspiring  to  become  better  school  leaders  will  benefit  from  writing
               a  platform  early  in  their  careers.    This  helps  them  prepare  for  the  rigors
               accompanying  leadership  in  schools.    As  Sergiovanni  and  Starrat  affirm,
               “Unless  teachers  and  supervisors  uncover  their  platforms,  they  will  not
               establish  a  base  of  mutual  understanding  that  is  necessary  to  ground  their
               collaborative efforts” (2001, p. 70).

               Therefore, aspiring  leaders need to develop their platform through engaging
               with  what  (and  why)  they  believe  about  education,  leadership  and  people
               throughout  their  careers,  even  before  they  move  to  formal  leadership

               Developing,  sharing  and  discussing  an  educational  leadership  platform  is
               important because it provides that ’spark’ and challenge that only comes with
               debating and defending our beliefs.  As one teacher said:

                  I  found  that  writing  the  platform  was  beneficial  for  me  in  terms  of
                  providing  me  an  opportunity  to  reflect  on  my  beliefs  and  to  really
                  question  some  of  my  school’s  current  practices.  .  .  For  me  writing  the
                  educational platform from a school leader’s point of view, helped me to
                  visualize and be able to articulate my hopes for ways that we could better
                  teaching and learning at my school.

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