Page 11 - Leadership Basics 8
P. 11

In addition to asking such questions, you can conduct a more systematic analysis.  For example, see
              the table below where Sally Lim broke her day down into four basic categories after she had kept a
              careful diary over a number of days. She went through each of her activities and placed them in one of
              the following categories (of course you can develop and define your own categories if you wish).

                  Professional (P)
                    Have someone follow you around for a set period of time – but this is usually not possible, at
                    least for extended periods.  Even asking someone to spend half a day with you can be revealing.
                    Ask the person to observe and record everything you do.

                  Crisis (C)
                    Activities which have to be done immediately.  Problems which arise within the school, such as
                    interpersonal conflict or crisis decisions.

                  Routine (R)
                    Activities  which  basically  deal  with  routine  administrative  matters  such  as  correspondence,
                    phone calls and ‘on‐the‐move’ supervision.
                  Individual (I)
                    Any activities which are personal: phone calls from home or coffee breaks.

              Through  your  analysis  you  need  to  assign  priorities  to  what  you  do  and  identify  and  attack  those
              activities or actions which waste your valuable time.  If you use a diary such as the one provided in
              Microsoft Outlook, it can help you analyze your time by grouping specified categories.

                                                   An Analysis of Sally Lim’s Day

                                            Category     No. of   Duration    Total
                                                          Acts     (mins.)   Time %
                                           Professional    7        139        27.5
                                              Crisis       5         41        8.1
                                             Routine       25        165       32.6

                                            Individual     11        161       31.8

   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16