Page 15 - Leadership Basics 8
P. 15

    Thief 3: Interruptions by Too Many Visitors
                      Restrict the time when you can be seen.
                      Inform people when you will be available.

                      Establish a screening process.
                      Do not make unwanted visitors feel welcome.

                      Control interruptions but be courteous.
                  Thief 4: Procrastination
                      Procrastination is the tendency to put things off.  If you do this too often, you will soon be
                          facing an almost unmanageable list of thing to do.
                      Do a little of the task at a time.

                      Do important tasks first.
                      DO IT NOW.
                      Remind yourself of your goals.

                      Set and stick to deadlines.

                                   Time Thievesc                      c

                                    Inability to Say ‘NO’            Too Many Emails
                                    Too Much Time on the Telephone    Perfectionism

                                    Interruptions by Visitors        Poor Communication
                                    Procrastination                  Poor Delegation Skills

                                    Poor Office Organization         Poor ‘Meetings’ Skills
                                    Too Much Paperwork

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