Page 6 - Leadership Basics 8
P. 6

Managing Time: Details to Consider

              Before we begin discussion, take a few minutes to complete the following brief questionnaire.  It is
              designed to help you start thinking about how you spend your time.

            Items                                 Yes   No      Items                                 Yes    No
            1.   I have a great memory, I never write           11.  You can almost see the top of my desk.
                 things down.                                     It is covered with all the projects I am       
                                                                    presently working on.

            2.   I never throw anything away, I never           12.  I  pride  myself  on  my  work.   I  never
                 know if I will need it at a later date.           leave any task until it is perfect.       
            3.   I  don’t  seem  to  be  able  to  finish  a      13.  I  like  to  put  off  making  decisions;  it
                 telephone  conversation,  they  go  on           gives more time to think about what I       
                 and on.                                            will do.  I certainly don’t want to make
                                                                    a mistake by rushing.
            4.   I get very little time to exercise, I’m        14.  I am so busy I rarely have time to go
                 simply too busy.                                 out with family or friends.  This is the       
                                                                    price of success.

            5.   I always make time for teachers and            15.  If I don’t particularly like a task I tend
                 students. My door is open no matter              to put it off.                          
                 what is happening.
            6.   I don’t ask my staff to do any difficult       16.  I often have so much to do that I do
                 tasks,  after  all  I  can  do  them  much           nothing at all.                     
                 better myself.

            7.   When I chair a meeting I make sure             17.  I  spend  a  lot  of  time  walking  around
                 everybody gets a say.  I don’t mind if           aimlessly   and   taking   long   coffee       
                 they run over time.                                breaks.
            8.   I  keep  a  calendar  to  keep  track  of      18.  I   try   to   handle   each   piece   of
                 where I should be and for how long.              correspondence only once.               

            9.   I often leave tasks to the last minute.        19.  I set deadlines for myself and stick to
                 I work much better when I’m under                those deadlines.                        

            10.  I  put  some  time  aside  every  week         20.  I  have  time  to  relax  and  spend  time
                 when  I  can  think  about  important            with my family and friends.             
                 aspects of my job.

                   Scoring key:

                   If you answered ‘yes’ to numbers 8, 9, 10, 18, 19 and 20 and ‘no’ to the remaining points, you
                   are probably managing your time fairly well.  If you answered ‘no’ to the numbers listed above
                   or ‘yes’ to any of the remaining points, you are more than likely wasting a considerable amount
                   of your time.

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11