Page 16 - Leadership Basics 8
P. 16
Thief 5: A Disorganized Office
Try the following questionnaire to make a discussion on whether your office is organised.
Items Yes No
1. Does it take you more than five minutes to locate something on your desk?
2. Do you constantly have trouble finding a particular item on your desk?
3. Do you have stacks of files sitting on your desk for long periods?
4. Do you usually read and even keep all the junk mail that you receive?
5. Do you ever go through the papers on your desk and find things you had
6. Do you find it difficult to find that certain file in your filing cabinet when you need
7. Do you have to get up from your desk every time you need something for your
8. Do you have papers on your desk that have been there for over a week?
9. Do you feel everything would improve if you had a bigger desk/office?
10. Do you just leave papers on your desk without indicating when they have to be
dealt with?
If you have a organized office:
Only have what you need on the desk.
Have necessities within easy reach.
Have a designated place for everything.
Have a workable filing system.
Discover what suits you.
Thief 6: Too Much Paper Work, Too Much Emails
Many people spend too long doing paperwork or replying emails.
Set aside time each day to deal with mail.
Prioritize and categorize your ‘paper’.
Do not write a reply unless it is necessary.
Use the phone whenever you can.
Handle each paper or email only once.
Communicate verbally.
When you must write, keep it simple and to the point.