Page 10 - Leadership Basics 7
P. 10

Leader’s Portfolio

              While the three types of leader’s portfolios suggested above are very useful. Leaders may find also find
              a more formatted approach useful. The ‘point’ of this portfolio is that the process of gathering
              evidence for each criteria will enable the principal to self-assess how they are going in building their
              leadership capability.

              Leader’s Portfolio Guide               Evidence                   Appraisal / Reflection

              What is the school aiming to achieve?

              Evidence that you have been a visionary leader;
              that you have engaged your staff in pulling
              together a shared vision; and importantly,
              evidence that you personally understand and
              acknowledge the overall vision of the ESF.

              Strategic Planning / Action Planning

              Evidence that you are a strategic leader; that you
              have put in place clear, effective and purposeful
              plans; that you have set school priorities and
              targets for improved school performance.
              Evidence that you always strive to lead the staff
              in improving student outcomes at your school.
              Implicit in this is the need for evidence that you
              understand and incorporate ESF corporate
              strategic goals.

              Learning Community

              Evidence that you are an aware leader; that you
              have taken the time to find out what parents,
              teachers and students (as appropriate) think of
              you as a leader.  Most importantly, evidence that
              you have taken steps to be a part of a Learning

              Evidence of learning

              Evidence that you are a learning leader; that you
              have put in place strategies for improving
              students’ attainment in national assessment
              programs; that not only have you set in place
              mechanisms for collecting and tracking students
              achievements across your school, but that you
              have used this as benchmark data in order to
              find ways to improve results.

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