Page 6 - Leadership Basics 7
P. 6
Types of Leader’s Portfolios
There are many different things you can put into a leader’s portfolio. Basically what you
include is dictated by the purpose you set. Consider the following three elements of a
Leader’s Portfolios; Leadership Framework, Assessment of Capability and Professional
Learning Portfolio.
1. A Leadership Framework
Brown and Irby (1997, p. 15) suggest that the main purpose of putting together a
principal’s portfolio is to help the principal to clarify his or her leadership framework.
By building a portfolio the principal is ‘forced’ to reflect on and analyse their
leadership. They suggest that a leadership portfolio should consist of a collection of
evidence built around seven components.
1. Philosophy of education
2. Philosophy of leadership
3. Vision of learners
4. Vision of teachers
5. Vision for the school
6. Vision for professional growth
7. Method of vision attainment
Decision making
Encouragement, initiation, and facilitation of change
Support during change