Page 20 - Leadership Basics 10
P. 20

11.  At the End of the Meeting
                  The  purpose  of  the  next  meeting  should  be  stated  and  when  it  is  to  be.  It  should  be  a  direct
                  consequence of what has taken place at the present meeting and not just an extension because
                  you ran out of time.

                  Before you draw the meeting to a close, ensure you have achieved the purpose for which the
                  meeting was called. If it was the intention to reach a decision, then make sure you have actually
                  decided something and that everyone is sure what that decision is.


                  State the purpose of the meeting at the beginning.
                  Encourage interaction.

                  Refer to people by name when asking for views.
                  Keep the meeting under control.
                  Keep discussions on line and contributions to the point.

                  Stop any one person or group from dominating discussions.
                  Give regular summaries to facilitate the understanding.

                  Ask for clarification where necessary.
                  Adopt a systematic approach in problem‐solving meetings.
                  Ensure members are discussing the same stage of the process.

                  Actively encourage people to generate ideas in problem‐solving situations.
                  Keep to time, both for agenda items and the meeting as a whole.

                  Repeat main arguments and reinforce decisions.
                  At the end , summaries the main points of the whole meetings.

                  Record the main items of information in writing.
                  State the purpose of the next meeting and when it will be.

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